Updates on the proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change.

Update: 17 May 2024

In accordance with the direction of the Independent Hearings Panel, Council issued its Council Reply following the close of hearings on Plan Change 14. This represents the final Council recommendation to the Panel based on evidence presented following the s42A reports, rebuttal evidence and during the hearing. The Panel will be considering the Council Reply alongside all other material presented as part of the plan change to inform their recommended decision which will be provided to Council by the end of July 2024. Councillors will consider the panel’s recommendation and decide on the plan change in September 2024, specifically those parts to implement policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (see 1 May 2024 Council Meeting, Item 12(external link)).

Please see the PC14 IHP website for all Council Reply documents: chch2023.ihp.govt.nz/hearings/(external link)

Please see the following link for Council Reply planning mapping: arcg.is/inHjv0(external link)

Independent Hearings Panel

The Independent Hearings Panel appointed to hear Plan Change 14 has a separate website - chch2023.ihp.govt.nz(external link) - where you can find the minutes of the Independent Hearings Panel, memoranda, and evidence filed by the Council and other parties.

You can also find memos filed by the Council and minutes of the Independent Hearings Panel below, under Council memos to IHP and IHP minutes(external link).

Further updates and information from the Independent Hearings Panel will be posted at the panel’s website: chch2023.ihp.govt.nz(external link)

Planning Maps for s42A recommendations and walking catchments

Updated mapping reflecting the Council’s s42A Recommendations mapping(external link) – 26 October 2023.

Mapping has also been made available detailing walking catchments used to consider intensification(external link) around commercial centres – 26 October 2023.

The above walking catchments map was updated on 22 March 2024 to show the as-recommended walking catchment for the Belfast-Northwood commercial centre at 400m, rather than the 600m walking catchment shown when the webpage was originally released.

A summary of decisions sought in submissions on Plan Changes 13 and 14 can be found in the link below, together with the submissions and further submissions.

View the original and further submissions on Plan Changes 13 and 14 (external link)

Minister responses on Plan Change 14 Timeframes

Minister Bishop has advised the Council that the Government will grant an extension for decision on those parts of Plan Change 14 that do not implement policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development until December 2025, but it still expects the remainder of the plan change to complete the implementation of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) by September this year.

View Minister Bishop's first letter [PDF, 60 KB].

View Minister Bishop's second letter. [PDF, 58 KB]

Council's evidence

Please check the Independent Hearings Panel webpage chch2023.ihp.govt.nz(external link). for Council evidence.

Proposed provisions


Search our interactive map to find out how the plan changes affect your property.(external link)

Alternatively, below are downloadable and printable PDF maps.  These planning maps are proposed to be updated.  The numbers correspond to the grid used in the operative District Plan, available here.(external link)


Section 32 reports

Tree canopy cover and financial contributions calculator

Use our online tree canopy and financial contributions calculator(external link) to work out what tree canopy cover or financial contribution is required for your site.

Proposed Plan Change 14 (PC14) – Housing and Business Choice, introduces a new requirement to provide a 20% tree canopy cover on residential development sites.

It additionally requires a 15% canopy cover to be planted in new road corridors created in greenfield or brownfield residential subdivisions. The rules, contained in the proposed new Chapter 6.10A of PC14 [PDF, 679 KB], provide an option of paying financial contributions in lieu of tree planting. The contributions will be used for off-site tree planting by the Council.

Council memos to IHP and IHP minutes

Please check the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) webpage(external link) for Council memos to the IHP and IHP minutes.

Council submission

PC14 Council Submission [PDF, 150 KB]

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Tsunami Management Area zoning error

A number of properties within the Tsunami Management Area were wrongly zoned on some of the planning maps notified for Plan Change 14. As a result, you may have received a letter from Christchurch City Council about this. 

Properties were mistakenly zoned as either Medium Density Residential Zone (MRZ) or High Density Residential Zone (HRZ). However, there should be no MRZ or HRZ within the Tsunami Management Area – only Residential Suburban Zone or Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone

The Council has made its own submission on Plan Change 14 (available on this webpage) and part of that submission corrects this mistake. It proposes to only allow development in the Tsunami Management Area in line with rules for the Residential Suburban Zone, which allows for one house per lot, and Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone, which allows for multi-unit development subject to standards (e.g. height limit, setbacks).

Check whether your property sits within the Tsunami Management Area by using our interactive map(external link)

Or learn more about Plan Change 14’s proposed changes to the Residential Suburban Zone and Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone in the District Plan text amendments document(external link) (also available on this webpage). 

If your property is affected by this zoning error (and therefore the Council’s submission on Plan Change 14), use the form to make a further submission(external link).