Building consents
Apply for building consents online. Find guidance on permits, regulations, inspections and compliance.
Building warrant of fitness
Learn about building warrants of fitness (BWoF) and ensure your building meets safety regulations.
Business licences
Find information on business licences and consents. Learn about permits for food, alcohol and trading.
Construction requirements
Learn about building regulations, compliance standards and consent obligations for your project.
Development contributions
Learn about development contributions. Understand fees, calculations and obligations.
Earthquake-prone buildings
Learn about earthquake-prone buildings and assessment and strengthening requirements. Stay compliant.
Land and zoning
Learn about land and zoning services, planning zones, land use policies, and technical categories.
LIMs and property services
Get Christchurch property info and LIM reports. Essential for investment and compliance.
News and information
Stay updated with the latest news and information on consents and licenses.
Online Services
Access online services for consents, licenses, application tracking, fee payments and more.
Organising a demonstration
You are invited to register any demonstration in a council-owned public place.
Residential repair or rebuild
Residential repair and rebuild information for Canterbury.
Resource consents
Find information on resource consents, including applications, fees and guidelines.