Get involved

Help us shape Ōtautahi Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.

Kōrero mai | Let’s talk

Help us shape Ōtautahi Christchurch and Banks Peninsula by telling us what you think about local and city-wide projects, reporting things that need fixing, or volunteering in your community.

Current projects and proposed changes open for your feedback are shown below. All feedback is shared with the responsible elected members so they can take it into account when making a decision.

For consultations that have recently closed visit Kōrero mai | Let’s talk(external link), or for consultations before July 2023 visit the consultation archive.

Improvements on Marine Parade

Last updated: 27 Jun, 2024

Improvements on Marine Parade

We're making improvements between Hawke Street and Bowhill Road. We have two options and we want to know which one you prefer.

Register today to receive updates about projects that matter to you and your whānau

Get involved in the community

Volunteer in the community

Make a difference either on your own, or with your family, workmates, neighbours, or other people like you.

Life in Christchurch surveys

These surveys are commissioned by Council to gauge your views on what it's like to live in Christchurch. The surveys are run throughout the year.

Community boards

Your community board represents and advocates for the interests of your local area and makes decisions on behalf of the community.

Report an issue

Spotted an issue in your community like graffiti, illegal parking, dumped rubbish, trip hazards or abandoned trolleys? Time to get reporting.

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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