Operative plan change 4 – New rules are confirmed for how short-term accommodation can operate in Christchurch.

The plan change was made operative on 11 November 2023, following the Council’s decision on 1 November 2023. Council approved the plan change consistent with the Environment Court’s Consent Order on the Plan Change

View a summary of the new rules [PDF, 103 KB], read the court's consent order [PDF, 1.1 MB] or read more on Newsline(external link).

Proposed Plan Change 4

On Monday 24 July 2023, the Environment Court released new rules for how short-term visitor accommodation, such as Airbnb, Bookabach, Homeaway etc, can operate in Christchurch.

The new rules come into effect immediately and Council will formally approve them at a meeting in September 2023.

Summary of the new rules [PDF, 103 KB]


In 2019 the Council was approached by BATCH, an association consisting of backpacker, hostel and motel owners seeking stronger enforcement of the existing District Plan rules.

In response to this, the effects on neighbours associated with the increase in accommodation advertised on online booking platforms, and the previous District Plan rules being unnecessarily restrictive for owners seeking resource consent, Plan Change 4 Short-Term Accommodation was developed, aimed at managing the impacts of short-term visitor accommodation on residential, rural and other areas.

In March 2020 the Council gathered public feedback on five options for managing short-term accommodation in residential and rural areas.

About 570 responses were received during the pre-consultation feedback period. 

The plan change was formally notified by the Council in September 2020 with 133 submissions received. A further 18 submissions, supporting or opposing points made in the original submissions, were then received. Hearings were held in October-November 2021 with the Council approving the plan change in March 2022.

Following the Council’s approval of the plan change, Airbnb lodged an appeal to the Environment Court. Mediation was carried out where parties, representing a broad range of interests, were able to share their views on the proposed rules.

Following mediation, the parties filed a joint memorandum with the Environment Court requesting changes to the proposed rules by consent. 

The Environment Court released its consent order [PDF, 1.1 MB], confirming the changes sought by the parties in Consent memoranda dated 26 April 2023 and 30 June 2023

Information on submissions

The plan change was formally notified by the Council in September 2020 with 133 submissions received. A further 18 submissions, supporting or opposing points made in the originally submissions, were then received.

Hearing information

Pre-circulation of expert evidence and legal submissions

Hearing adjournment

Panel's Minute 4 - 17 May 2021

Panel's Minute 5 - 28 June 2021

Panel's Minute 6 - 2 August 2021

Comments received in response to Minute 6

Panel's Minute 7 - 10 August 2021

Exchange of evidence - 24 September and 8 October

8 October 2021

Rebuttal evidence

Joint witness statements

Legal submissions

24 September 2021

FS1 David Lawry - Investigative evidence [PDF, 15 MB] and associated documents below:

S112/FS4 Airbnb - Supplementary statement of evidence of Matthew Bonis [PDF, 229 KB]

Additional economic evidence and planner's report

After receiving the additional economic evidence, planner's report and appendices, the Panel issued Minute 9 - Expert witness conferencing - 9 September 2021 [PDF, 41 KB].  

Additional economic evidence and planner's report

Additional economic evidence, along with the planner's report (and appendices), for proposed plan change 4 short-term accommodation can be viewed below.  

The planners report is an addendum to the original s42A report, which can be found under “Hearing information” on this page.

View the planner's report and appendices

View the additional economic evidence [PDF, 3.1 MB].

View the memo filed with the hearings panel seeking an extension of time [PDF, 207 KB] 

View the  Panel's Minute 8 issued 27 August 2021 [PDF, 64 KB] in response to the memo.


October hearing

Hearings were held in October-November 2021.

Hearing timetable - October 2021 [PDF, 344 KB]

Hearing - Summaries provided at the hearing 

Monday 18 October 2021

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Friday 5 November 2021


On 17 March 2022 we received an appeal from Airbnb on Proposed Plan Change 4.