This fund supports community-focused organisations whose projects contribute to the strengthening of community wellbeing in the Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula area.

Applying for the 2025 Strengthening Communities Fund

Applications for the Strengthening Communities Fund open on 1 May 2025 and close at noon on Friday 30 May 2025. 

The previous Metropolitan Strengthening Communities Fund (now Citywide Fund) has been split into three funds.  

  • Strengthening Communities Fund – Arts
  • Strengthening Communities Fund – Community
  • Strengthening Communities Fund – Sport and Recreation

The decision meetings for these funds will be in August 2025, with successful applicants notified thereafter.

Strengthening Communities Fund for local projects will now require applicants to apply to the Community Board from which most of your participants come.  

You must select whether to apply for funding from your local Community Board or the Citywide fund. This is an important new step.

All of the application forms will be available from 1 May 2025.  Before this date, some application forms can be previewed.

If you require assistance, please contact or any of the community board governance teams(external link).

Apply for the 2025 Strengthening Communities Fund

Application process

Applications can be submitted for either metropolitan (citywide) or local projects:

  • Citywide projects are referred to the Council for a decision. For the first time in 2025, the Citywide Strengthening Communities Fund will be split into three distinct funds – Arts, Community and  Sport and Recreation. Please contact a Community Development Advisor [PDF, 150 KB] if you are unsure of which of these to apply for.
  • Local applications are presented to the relevant Community Board for a decision. Each board has their own application form.  Please contact your local Community Development Advisor [PDF, 150 KB] if you are unsure of which of these to apply for.

Strengthening Communities Fund - Community will be using the Te Haumako; Te Whitingia Strengthening Communities Together Strategy.(external link) 

Strengthening Communities Fund - Arts will be using their Strategy for Arts and Creativity [PDF, 959 KB] to guide them in assessing their applications.

Strengthening Communities Fund - Sport and Recreation are currently reviewing their strategy. As soon as that review is complete, we will link it here.

These Strategies will guide the Council in how it works alongside the community sector, and grant funding is an important aspect of this support. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the new strategy to help consider how your application will contribute to the pillar objectives.(external link)

You must also demonstrate your ability to contribute to your project and not solely rely on Council funding.

You will be notified of the decision in late August, with funds available for successful applications from 1 September 2025.

What this fund covers

  • Applications can be for both operating and/or project costs.
    • Operating costs may include salaries, power, rent and administration costs.
    • Project costs may include the costs of community programmes, events, activities and equipment.
  • Operational or project costs incurred in the provision and delivery of the initiative from 1 September to 31 August of the following year.
  • Small equipment purchases to enable your organisation to take advantage of efficiency gains. All equipment or capital purchases must be noted in a schedule of equipment/capital purchases for accountability purposes.
  • Costs that support the recognition, contribution and retention of volunteers.

What this fund will not cover

This fund will not cover

  • Debt servicing or re-financing costs.
  • Stock or capital market investment.
  • Gambling or prize money.
  • Activities or groups whose purpose is primarily the responsibility of central government.
  • Payment of any legal expenditure, including costs or expenditures related to mediation disputes or ACC, Employment Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, professional or disciplinary body hearings.
  • Activities or initiatives where the primary purpose is to promote religious ministry, political objectives, and commercial or profit-oriented interests.
  • Medical or healthcare costs – including treatment and insurance fees.
  • Money which will be re-distributed as grant funding, sponsorship, donations, bequests, aid funding or aid to other recipients.
  • Payment of fines, court costs, IRD penalties or retrospective tax payment.

This fund will usually not cover

  • Retrospective costs or project or purchase costs incurred or settled before the agreed commencement date of the funding agreement.
  • Entertainment costs (including food) except for costs directly linked to volunteer recognition.
  • Funding of individuals.
  • Wages for trustees
  • Purchase of land and buildings.
  • Building maintenance or facility design, development and renovation costs.
  • Fundraising or general income growth purposes.
  • Costs to remedy, rectify, upgrade, retrofit or replace equipment, vehicles or premises as a result of action by central or local government departments or other agencies who hold regulatory or enforcement powers.
  • Purchase of vehicles and any related ongoing maintenance repair, overhead costs or road user charges.
  • Air travel, accommodation hotel or motel expenses.

Multi-year funding

Multi-year funding will not be offered for the 2025/26 Strengthening Communities Fund round. 

However, if you wish to be considered for Community Board multi-year funding in other years, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Close alignment to the Council's funding priorities and outcomes
  • A proven track record of providing or enabling identifiable benefits to the City or Community Board area.
  • Have effective governance and sound operational policies and practices including financial, HR and risk management.
  • Have a stable financial position, appropriate financial and accounting practices.
  • Have a history of good management, monitoring and reporting practices.
  • Have a business, strategic or other plan which covers the period of the funding request

Up to three years funding can be requested. Requests can be made for different amounts of funding for each year of the grant. 

There is no guarantee a multi-year grant will be awarded to any applicant. The awarding of a multi-year grant does not promise or guarantee the same organisation will be granted for multiple years in the future. 

Your responsibilities

You will be expected to submit interim reporting each year which must be approved before the next installment of the grant can be released. 

Funds cannot be released prior to 1 September each year.

Multi-year funding can be discontinued if agreed performance objectives or reporting requirements are not met.

Your responsibilities

Accountability reports for this fund must be completed in the new funding system, SmartyGrants(external link).  You will need to register if you have not used this system before.

To find your application, go to My Submissions. If your end-of-project accountability form is not attached, or you cannot see your application for that year, please contact the Community Funding Team at 03 941 5488.

Further information

If you have any questions email