PAK'nSAVE supermarket - 171 Main North Road

Land use consent to establish a Pak'nSave supermarket and self-service petrol station

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 22 July 2019 to 16 August 2019
Reference number: RMA/2018/2029
Applicant name: Foodstuffs (South Island) Properties Limited - C/- Aurecon New Zealand Limited
Site address: 171 Main North Road
Description of proposed activity: This publicly notified resource consent is for: Land use consent to establish a PAK'nSAVE supermarket and self-service fuel station on the application site.
Phone: 03 371 2097
Company: Aurecon New Zealand Limited

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The applicant seeks resource consent to establish a PAK’nSAVE supermarket and self-service fuel station on the application site. To enable this vehicle access to the site will be altered, including the addition of a signalised intersection along Main North Road between the intersection with Cranford Street and Northcote Road. Hours of operation will be between 7am and 11pm, seven days per week.

Works will include establishment of parking on site (at ground level and within a basement), signage, partial piping of the Lydia Street Drain, and earthworks. In conjunction with its supermarket function, the site will be outfit to provide for use as an emergency coordination facility.

The site is primarily zoned Industrial General, with part of the site zoned Commercial Local and an access lot zoned Residential Suburban. Resource consent is required for a discretionary activity because supermarkets are not provided for within Industrial General Zones.

Additional District Plan non-compliances are set out in the attached documentation and include matters related to noise, flood management, earthworks, waterways, signage, transport, and street trees. 

Full application


Please note that the above resource consent application has been set down for a hearing before a Commissioner as follows:

Dates: Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December 2019

Time: 9:30am

Venue: The Oak Room, The Atrium, 455 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch

Notice of Hearing 

Further Information for the hearing


s104 Decision - Final [PDF, 897 KB]

Approved Consent Plans [PDF, 30 MB]

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How the decision is made

  • Application completed

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