Speak to elected members, speak at a meeting or submit a petition.

Speaking to elected members

Contact details for the mayor, deputy mayor, councillors and community boards.

Attending meetings 

Anyone is welcome to attend any Council, committee and community board meeting, so long as the session is not excluded from the public at that time. 

Meeting details can be found on the meeting agenda.

You can also view livestreams and recordings of elected member meetings(external link).

Anyone can present to elected members at Council, committee or community board meetings using one of the below options:

Public forums

Speak for up to 5 minutes on any matter not covered by a report on the meeting agenda.


Speak for up to 10 minutes on a matter covered by a report on the agenda that is within the meeting’s terms of reference.


Petitions may be presented to the Council, a committee or a community board. 

Download a petition template [PDF, 181 KB] and then complete the online form below or email:

Register to present a public forum, deputation or petition

Once your request has been submitted, a meeting advisor will contact you.

What would you like to do?
What meeting would you like to speak at?

Contact information
