Takamatua Domain landscape development plan

We want to hear what you think about our proposed landscape development plan for Takamatua Domain.

Project status: Decision
Open for feedback: 29 June 2023 to 23 July 2023

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Takamatua Domain has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 29 June to 23 July 2023.

The Bank Peninsula Community Board decided to approve the plan without any further changes on 11 September 2023.  You can read the meeting minutes which include the formal resolutions. councillive.ccc.govt.nz/. (external link)You can also watch the decision being made. Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board Meeting - 11 September 2023(external link)

Works are expected to start in summer 2023/24.

The submission feedback [PDF, 2.6 MB] is also available to read here.

We’ve been working with Takamatua Ratepayers Association on a draft landscape development plan for Takamatua Domain. Together we want to make the space more beautiful and open it for public access to recognise its heritage. 

Takamatua Domain’s heritage

Takamatua Domain is an undeveloped recreation reserve area at 6 Old French Road.

The Domain has a history of Māori and early European settlement activity and holds important archaeological and cultural heritage values. Historical research showed that a military blockhouse was built at the site in the 1840s by the French Navy to provide protection to the European settlers of the area against possible attacks – a rare example of its kind in New Zealand. As the Domain remains undeveloped, potential archaeology relating to the blockhouse and culturally significant artefacts may survive at the site.

In response to Takamatua Ratepayers Association’s proposal to enhance the Domain, we have worked with the Association, archaeologists, and Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd (on behalf of Ōnuku Rūnanga) on proposed developments that respect the archaeological and cultural heritage values.

The landscape development plan

In developing Takamatua Domain we need to make sure its heritage and cultural values are protected.

The proposed landscape development plan includes landscaping developments acceptable to the archaeological authority for works on an archaeological site that was granted by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. It also takes into account the Cultural Values Statement from Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd, on behalf of Ōnuku Rūnanga, which documents the cultural effects of the suggested landscaping works on mana whenua and outlines measures we need to take to mitigate any potential impacts.

An archaeologist will monitor the start of earthworks on the Domain, and a Cultural Monitor from Ōnuku Rūnanga may also be present. If cultural material relating to the Māori past is discovered, work will stop and mana whenua will be informed to determine the next steps.

The landscaping design also considers the often wet ground conditions of the site and the effect of probable future sea level rise.

What we are planning

The main features of the proposed landscape development plan are:

  • Wetland and shrub and tree plantings along the northern and southern boundaries of the reserve.
  • A gravel path and raised timber boardwalk leading through the wetland plantings.
  • Grassing of the remaining areas.
  • Boundary bollards on the west and east sites of the Domain.

We have funding available to contribute to these proposed landscaping works. Takamatua Ratepayers Association can provide additional funding.

Other landscaping elements that are currently unfunded or partially funded include:

  • Table and seats
  • Display rocks placed on the site
  • Interpretation panels to recognise the sites heritage
  • Path extensions to the road edges

You can also download the landscape development plan [PDF, 528 KB]and the list of potential plants. [PDF, 1.7 MB]

Next steps and funding

  • We will consider your feedback and, keeping to heritage and cultural requirements of the site, update the final draft development plan as required.
  • We will seek approval of the final landscape development plan by the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū-Banks Peninsula Community Board around September 2023.
  • Once approved, and funding and programming for implementation is confirmed, we will engage a local contractor to undertake excavation and earthworks for the boardwalk.  An archaeologist / cultural monitor will initially oversee work on site.

Our funding for implementing the proposed landscape development plan is likely to be limited. However, we will partner with Takamatua Ratepayers Association to share the costs and allow its membership to voluntary undertake works (excluding the boardwalk construction) to open up Takamatua Domain for public access.


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How the decision is made

  • Decision

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