Let us know that you have moved a dog into the Christchurch area. If your dog is currently registered you can swap the tag for a Christchurch one. If not, you need to register in Christchurch and pay the fee for the full year.

Dog owner details


Dog details

If you have more than one dog to add, please complete a separate form for each dog.

Note: It is an offence to make a false statement relating to dog registration.

Statement for the Purpose of Principle 3 of the Privacy Act

  1. The information is being collected to enable the Council to maintain its dog register and records.
  2. The intended user of the information is the Council's Regulatory Compliance Unit.
  3. You have the right of access to and correction of any personal information held about you by the Council.
  4. This information is held on the Council's dog register.
  5. Supply of information from the dog register is strictly limited by Section 35 of the Dog Control Act 1996.