Guidance for obtaining building consent if your project includes a single stand-alone dwelling or an accessory building such as a garage, carport, gazebo, shed, deck or retaining wall.
Most types of building work require building consent(external link), however, there are some types of building work that is considered low-risk and are exempt(external link) from requiring a building consent.
Eco Design Advisors (external link)provide free, independent, expert advice on new home design and renovation. Advice is available for homeowners, home designers, builders and industry professionals.
You will need to complete the application form online, or if by post or in person, complete the application for building consent and/or Project Information Memorandum (Form 2) - Form B-002 [DOCX, 438 KB] (also available as a PDF [PDF, 106 KB]).
Include the single residential dwelling and accessory building application checksheet - Form B-062 [DOCX, 102 KB] (also available as a PDF [PDF, 80 KB]) in your application.
Further information
- Guide to applying for a building consent (residential buildings)(external link) - Examples of sample drawings.
- Water connection application - Form WS1 [PDF, 1.6 MB]
- Stormwater disposal tests - Form B-091 [PDF, 17 KB]
- Potable water supply - Information sheet B-313 [PDF, 23 KB]
- Domestic fire sprinkler - Information sheet B-314 [PDF, 25 KB]
- Controlling sediment run-off from building sites - Information sheet B-332 [PDF, 168 KB]
- Building on small sites booklet [PDF, 4.9 MB]
- Vehicle crossing application(external link)