- Adequate footpath width must be available to pedestrians at all times. The minimum footpath width is two metres for inner-city and high volume shopping areas; and 1.5 metres in other areas.
- Adequate road width is required for the placement so the placement does not block the lane.
- A minimum of five metres is required between the placement and the neighbouring property's vehicle access so that residents can safely exit their properties.
- The placement must be a minimum of 30 metres from a corner or intersection.
- Traffic management must be provided for the placement for the entire duration. The following pages provide further traffic management information:
- Offensive graffiti must be removed within 24 hours of notification.
- The contractor must have a minimum of $500,000 in Public Liability Insurance. This policy shall indemnify the Council for all claims arising from the work. A higher cover of up to $1 million will be required for cranes work.
- The Contractor must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
- The Council reserves the right to set other special conditions as required.
- The Council reserves the right to revoke the approval in writing under Section 24 of the Transport and Parking Bylaw 2017.
- The Council reserves the right to revise the charges without notice to the approved applicant.