Long Term Plan and Annual Plans

Council's activities, services, capital programme and finances as part of annual and long term plans.

Long Term Plan

The Long Term Plan is reviewed every three years and outlines the Council's activities, services, capital programme and finances for the next 10 years.

The plan sets the direction for all the activities and services the Council provides, and what level of service will be provided. It also includes how the Council wants to pay for these services; by setting rates and managing its finances. The plan also sets the strategic direction for the Council – where we are going and what we want to achieve in the community. 

The Council adopted the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 on 27 June. 

Annual Plan

An annual plan is the Council's budget for one financial year and is produced in the years between long term plans. It explains how the Council intends to finance the activities and services it provides during that year as directed by its long-term plan. Focusing on the adjustments the Council needs to make in light of the previous year's financial performance, updated financial figures, cost increases and inflation. 

Like the Long Term Plan, the Council is required by the Local Government Act 2002 to produce an annual plan and consult with its community before finalising the document. An annual plan supports the Council's long-term plan by providing integrated decision-making and coordination of the Council's resources.

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