Application information for resource consent applications of public interest.

Halswell development

Two resource consent applications have been issued to allow for development in the North Halswell District Centre.

20 Monsaraz Boulevard

On 24 December 2019, the Council issued a resource consent to Spreydon Lodge Limited to develop 20 Monsaraz Boulevard for a High Street development with a total floor area of 9671m² gross floor area (GFA).

This comprises an anchor tenant of 4223m², 13 food and beverage tenancies (totalling 1600m²) and 40 retail tenancies (totalling 3946m²).

Monsaraz Boulevard site plan [PDF, 2 MB].(external link)

201 Halswell Road

On 7 September 2021, resource consent was issued to Woolworths NZ Ltd by the Environment Court to subdivide and develop 201 Halswell Road for a residential and commercial mixed-use development of land.

This includes an expanded commercial area with a retail floor space (5155m2 GFA including a supermarket of 3500m²), community activities (1570m² GFA: medical centre and childcare centre), and a cinema (640m² GFA).

Halswell Road site plan [PDF, 2.5 MB].

Wongan Hills – Variation to the consent for Kaituna Valley

On 16 August 2022, Christchurch City Council approved the variation to the existing consent relating to an intensive farming activity at Kaituna Valley on Banks Peninsula. The decision was made by two independent commissioners.

On 13 August 2021, the Council issued a resource consent to Wongan Hills Limited to undertake intensive farming, including the construction of two composting cattle feed barns and other ancillary sheds/structures at 297 Kaituna Valley Road, Kaituna Valley.

The proposed variation seeks to provide for the establishment of four composting feed barns on the site, rather than the two previously consented.

The applicant, therefore, seeks to change Condition 1 and Condition 2 to provide for the amended plans, as attached below:

For further information, we have compiled some frequently asked questions [PDF, 8 KB] or you can visit Environment Canterbury(external link)

Braeburn Property – Industrial activity at Port-link

Sign up for updates on Portlink Industrial Park

RMA/2024/517 s357 objection hearing live stream

Resource consent RMA/2022/3611

An independent commissioner has granted the resource consent for Port-link Industrial Park as a non-notified application.

Appeal rights

Resource consent

The applicant has lodged an objection under the Resource Management Act to the conditions imposed under the resource consent. The objection will be considered by an independent commissioner.

Certificate of Compliance

The applicant has also appealed the decisions to decline the certificates of compliance and to issue an abatement notice that requires the applicant to comply with District Plan Rules as they relate to building height in the zone. The applicant has applied to the Environment Court for an Order that the abatement notice not be enforced until after the appeals are decided by the Court.

Environment Court Declaration

The Port-link Industrial Park occupier and the landowner have filed in Court a request for the Court to make a declaration in the correct interpretation of the District Plan – in particular, whether containers are within the definition of a building. If they are, they are subject to the rules in the District Plan that apply to buildings, including maximum permitted heights.

The Council asked the Court to direct that the applications for declarations should be served on the neighbouring property owners.

The Environment Court has decided that service on those directly affected by the application should not go more widely than the Council.

However, parties interested in the applications for declarations may ask the Court for permission to join the proceedings under s274(1) (d) and s281 of the RMA. Any person who “has an interest in the proceedings that is greater than the interest that the general public has” can apply to join as a party to proceedings and seek permission from the Court to do that now. More information.(external link)

This would need to be filed and served with the Environment Court as soon as possible noting that evidence is starting to be provided and is due by Friday 5 July 2024.

Please note the sole issue in this declaration case is the legal interpretation question of whether stacked containers are in the definition of building in the District Plan. Other concerns – such as noise, lights, hours of operation, vibrations, or the Council’s enforcement practices – are not considered in this case.

View a copy of the Environment Court’s decision [PDF, 186 KB].

Get in touch and stay updated

Our compliance staff are responding to complaints and answering queries. If you have an urgent complaint about operations on the site such as noise, please phone 03 941 8999. 

If you have any questions about the Resource Consent process, please contact Mark Stevenson, Head of Planning and Consents, at or 03 941 5583.

Resource Consent application resources

Download a copy of the amended application [PDF, 30 MB].

Combined subdivision and land use application:

Relevant applications

Certificate of Compliance applications:

Certificate of Compliance Decision:

General updates

130 Bowenvale Ave subdivision - Bowenvale GCO Ltd

The application seeks to subdivide land to establish 35 residential allotments. This includes the following aspects:

  • 35 vacant residential allotments are proposed. These range between the sizes of 564 to 2121m2. All lots are proposed to be fully serviced.
  • The proposal is to occur in four stages.
  • Five local purpose utility reserves (drainage) (Lots 2000-2004) and one road to vest (Lot 1000) are proposed.
  • Lots 100-103 are proposed for maintenance in terms of the proposed rockfall fence. These allotments will be amalgamated into Lots 1-35 and a residents association is proposed to be created.
  • Most lots will access via the proposed road however Lots 3-17 and 28-3 will access via the access lots 500-503.
  • One residential dwelling is proposed on Lot 34 in this application. This is to be a three-storey, three-bedroom housing design.
  • The application includes the removal of five street trees to construct the proposed road.
  • Earthworks are proposed in this application which includes works within waterways on site, the remainder of port hills and banks peninsula slope instability management area and rockfall management areas. The volume of works proposed is approximately 12,150m3.
  • The applicant proposes to construct a bridge over a waterway to form the proposed road, rockfall fences and retaining walls to protect from rockfall hazards.
  • The applicant has provided assessments from appointed ecologists, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, traffic engineers, environmental health officers and landscape architects.
  • The application is overall a non-complying activity.

The application has been lodged for the proposed subdivision at 130 Bowenvale Avenue. The site is zoned Residential Hills Zone which focuses on residential development with a minimum lot size of 650m2.

Most subdivisions including complex infill and greenfield subdivisions need to address matters such as

  • Appropriate subdivision design and layout.
  • Appropriate earthworks design.
  • Erosion and sediment control.
  • Protecting waterways.
  • Managing stormwater and flooding.
  • Transport and access arrangements.
  • Land contamination.
  • Ability to service the development with sewer, water, stormwater etc.
  • Management of geotechnical risks and any other natural hazards.
  • Cultural effects
  • Relevant ecology effects.

This requires obtaining input from specialists in terms (but not limited to) of civil engineering, geotechnical, transport, three waters (servicing, flooding and waterways), environmental health, parks (including arborists) and any relevant ecologists. Depending on the location of the application site, further specialist advice such as consulting with the local Rūnanga is required.  

The proposal includes land use non-compliances such as the construction of a bridge over a network waterway, earthworks and the removal of street trees.

The application is currently awaiting payment therefore processing days have not commenced. Once paid, the application will be sent to relevant specialists to assess the application.

The application will be sent to relevant specialists to assess the application against the District Plan and other regulations such as (but not limited to) the IDS (Council’s Infrastructure Design Standard), CSS (Construction Standard Specification), MBIE requirements (geotechnical), relevant bylaws and WWDG (Waterways, Wetlands and Drainage Guide). If further information is required, the application will be put on hold.

There is a requirement to process an application within 20 working days to provide either a notification decision or a combined decision (if a recommendation is non-notified) to a decision maker. The 20 working day timeframe may be paused if further information is required, if the applicant chooses to place the application on hold, or if an extension of time is agreed to.

Once a request for information (RFI) has been completed, a report is prepared by a Council planner that makes a recommendation on:

  1. Notification (unless notification is precluded by the District Plan).
  2. Whether the application should be approved with conditions or declined.  

Most subdivision applications are directed by the District Plan to be processed as non-notified applications when classified as a controlled and restricted discretionary application, however, in this situation, a case-by-case assessment is undertaken in terms of effects on neighbouring properties and the wider environment.

An independent commissioner will likely be engaged to make decisions on any subdivision application on the subject properties. If an application was to be notified (whether limited or publicly notified), this would extend the timeframe of the application and open the application to submissions (either to identified parties or the public).

Regardless of the notification decision, we are happy to receive feedback to consider on any applications.

Once all relevant information is received, and prior to any decision on whether the application will be approved or declined, a decision will be made by an Independent Commissioner on whether the application will be notified, meaning whether anyone has the opportunity to be a submitter in support or opposition to the application (for example neighbours).

This webpage will be updated as required.

Download a copy of the application [PDF, 29 MB].

If there are any queries on the resource consent application, Please contact Rachel Cottam, Senior Planner at


169 Bowenvale Ave subdivision - Bowenvale Park Estates Ltd

This application seeks to subdivide land to establish 12 residential allotments. This includes the following aspects:

  • The proposal will subdivide the site into 12 fee simple allotments, a joint-owned access lot (Lot 13) and three private rights of ways. The lots sizes range between 700-790m2.
  • The existing dwelling will be removed as part of the development.
  • Earthworks of an approximately volume of 800m3 is proposed to construct access ways, drainage and minimal re-contouring of the lots.
  • A geotechnical report has been provided with the application.

The application has been lodged for the proposed subdivision at 169 Bowenvale Avenue. The site is zoned Residential Hills Zone which focuses on residential development with a minimum lot size of 650m2.

Most subdivisions including complex infill and greenfield subdivisions need to address matters such as

  • Appropriate subdivision design and layout.
  • Appropriate earthworks design.
  • Erosion and sediment control.
  • Protecting waterways.
  • Managing stormwater and flooding.
  • Transport and access arrangements.
  • Land contamination.
  • Ability to service the development with sewer, water, stormwater etc.
  • Management of geotechnical risks and any other natural hazards.
  • Cultural effects.
  • Relevant ecology effects.

This requires obtaining input from specialists in terms (but not limited to) of civil engineering, geotechnical, transport, three waters (servicing, flooding and waterways), environmental health, parks (including arborists) and any relevant ecologists. Depending on the location of the application site, further specialist advice such as consulting with the local Rūnanga is required.  

The application will be sent to relevant specialists to assess the application against the District Plan and other regulations such as (but not limited to) the IDS (Council’s Infrastructure Design Standard), CSS (Construction Standard Specification), MBIE requirements (geotechnical), relevant bylaws and WWDG (Waterways, Wetlands and Drainage Guide). If further information is required, the application will be put on hold.

There is a requirement to process an application within 20 working days to provide either a notification decision or a combined decision (if a recommendation is non-notified) to a decision maker. The 20 working day timeframe may be paused if further information is required, if the applicant chooses to place the application on hold, or if an extension of time is agreed to.

Once request for information (RFI) has been completed, a report is prepared by a Council planner that makes a recommendation on:

  1. Notification (unless notification is precluded by the District Plan).
  2. Whether the application should be approved with conditions or declined.  

Most subdivision applications are directed by the District Plan to be processed as non-notified applications when classified as a controlled and restricted discretionary application, however, in this situation, a case-by-case assessment is undertaken in terms of effects on neighbouring properties and the wider environment.

An independent commissioner will likely be engaged to make decisions on any subdivision application on the subject properties. If an application was to be notified (whether limited or publicly notified), this would extend the timeframe of the application and open the application to submissions (either to identified parties or the public).

Regardless of the notification decision, we are happy to receive feedback to consider on any applications.

Once all relevant information is received, and prior to any decision on whether the application will be approved or declined, a decision will be made by an Independent Commissioner on whether the application will be notified, meaning whether anyone has the opportunity to be a submitter in support or opposition to the application (for example neighbours).

This webpage will be updated as required.

Download a copy of the application. [PDF, 20 MB]

If there are any queries on the resource consent application, please contact Rachel Cottam, Senior Planner at


17-21 Aruhe Road - Organics Processing Facility

The application seeks consent to establish an organics processing facility on industrially zoned land in Hornby.

A separate application has been made to Environment Canterbury (ECan). The reference number for this is CRC250284.

The application has been lodged for the proposed activity at 17-21 Aruhe Road, Hornby.

The site is zoned Industrial Heavy - this zone focuses on providing for the establishment and operation of a full range of industrial and other compatible activities that generate potentially significant effects including relatively high levels of noise, odour, heavy traffic movements etc. and that require separation from more sensitive activities such as residential.

The application addresses such matters as:

  • Site description and layout.
  • Activity specifics in terms of onsite process.
  • Biofilters.
  • Earthworks and site works.
  • Buildings.
  • Transport including access and parking.
  • Noise mitigation.
  • Servicing.
  • Land contamination.
  • Hazardous substances.
  • Landscaping.

The processing of the resource consent will require obtaining input from specialists in terms of (but not limited to) civil engineering, transport, three waters (servicing, flooding and waterways), and environmental health. 

Depending on the location of the application site, further specialist involvement such as through consultation with the local Rūnanga may be required.  

If further information is required, the application will be placed on hold.

There is a requirement to process an application within 20 working days to provide either a notification decision or a combined decision (if a recommendation is non-notified) to a decision maker. The 20 working day timeframe may be paused if further information is required, if the applicant chooses to place the application on hold, or if an extension of time is agreed to.

Once a request for information (RFI) has been completed (if required), a report is prepared by a Council planner that makes a recommendation on:

  1. Notification (unless notification is precluded by the District Plan).
  2. Whether the application should be approved with conditions or declined.  

An independent commissioner will be engaged to decide on the application. If an application were to be notified (whether limited or publicly notified), this would extend the timeframe for processing the application and open the application to submissions (either to identified parties or the public).

Regardless of the notification decision, we are happy to receive feedback to consider on any applications. However formal submissions are only able to be made through a notified consent process.

This webpage will be updated as required.

If there are any queries on this application please contact Andrew Long, Senior Planner at


Resource consents received and issued 

Resource consent applications are public information. Lists of applications received and decisions issued can be downloaded below.