The Council's Development Contributions Rebate Policy provides for development contributions rebates for certain types of development.

The Council has two development contributions rebate schemes available to promote development that benefits the wider community:

  • Social housing development
  • Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga development

Social housing rebate

This rebate scheme supports the development of new social housing by qualifying community trust organisations. We are looking to support further community development of social housing that meets the needs of specific sectors of the community.

The rebate is for 100% of development contributions required for qualifying developments.

Developers are required to register a covenant on the title of the development to qualify for a rebate. The covenant restricts the use of a home for which a rebate is provided to social housing purposes only.

The rebate needs to be applied for, and you will need to provide evidence of meeting the scheme criteria [PDF, 194 KB].

Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga rebate scheme

This rebate scheme seeks to encourage residential and community development on Māori freehold and Māori-owned general land within the Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga zone of the Christchurch District Plan.

The rebate is for 100% of the development contributions that would otherwise apply. Your development will be eligible for the rebate if it meets the Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga Development Contributions Rebate Scheme Criteria. [PDF, 598 KB] 

The Council’s development contributions team can advise you on whether your development qualifies for a rebate. Email