Infrastructure Design Standards (IDS)

The Infrastructure Design Standard (IDS) applies to the creation or enhancement of infrastructural assets in Christchurch City.

Download the IDS

Download the Infrastructure Design Standards (IDS)

Wastewater and stormwater pump station design specifications

Technical requirements for the design and construction, repair or renewal of Christchurch City’s wastewater and stormwater pumping stations.

Guidance for the selection of water supply pipes

Selecting appropriate pipe and joint material using site investigations data for brownfield sites.

Water supply station design specifications

Technical requirements for the design, construction, repair or renewal of water supply treatment, pumping station and reservoir stations.

As-built requirements

The technical requirements for as-built horizontal infrastructure.

RAMM and Costing Requirements

Technical requirements for the provision of as-built RAMM and costing data

Waterways, wetlands and drainage design

Technical requirements for the design of waterways, wetlands, stormwater pipes and other structures.

Odour and corrosion management design guide

A design guideline for managing hydrogen sulfide and odours from wastewater systems.

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