A guide about the approximate costs of building consent services.

The fees for building consent services are set out in the building consents fee schedule, including how to pay the fees.

An additional fixed fee for scanning will be charged for hard-copy applications. To avoid scanning fees and minimise application processing times we recommend you use our Online Services.

When you apply for a building consent you will be invoiced the deposit fee. The total cost may vary depending on the time a building consent officer spends processing your application. If we need to request further information this could also have an impact on the total cost and delay the granting of the building consent.

Your building project may also be subject to fees for services provided by other Council units.

Guide to building consent fees and charges

These figures represent consent processing charges for the 2023/2024 financial year ending 30 June 2024, and also include levies collected for Building Research and Building (MBIE). They should be viewed only as a guide to likely fees.

Type Estimated project value Total consent fees (inc. GST)
    Consent count Average  80% of fees fell within the following range
Residential accessory building (habitable). Sleepouts etc. $0 to $19,999 Sample too small - -
$20,000 to $100,000 6 $4,862 $3,755 to $5,143
Over $100,000 to $300,000 9 $5,527 $4,052 to $7,402
Over $300,000 to $500,000 No applications received - -
Over $500,000 No applications received - -
Residential accessory building (non-habitable). Garages, carports etc. $0 to $19,999 9 $4,163 $2,072 to $6,825
$20,000 to $100,000 52 $3,805 $2,707 to $4,745
Over $100,000 to $300,000 12 $5,232 $4,014 to $7,153
Over $300,000 to $500,000 Sample too small - -
Over $500,000 No applications received - -
Residential dwelling detached $0 to $19,999 Sample too small - -
$20,000 to $100,000 39 $4,464 $2,576 to $6,764
Over $100,000 to $300,000 210 $5,894 $4,606 to $7,293
Over $300,000 to $500,000 480 $7,261 $5,657 to $8,627
Over $500,000 to $1,000,000 351 $10,044 $7,323 to $13,725
Over $1,000,000 78 $15,584 $11,268 to $21,088
Residential external alterations and additions $0 to $19,999 37 $3,008 $1,841 to $4,396
$20,000 to $100,000 228 $3,990 $2,349 to $5,772
Over $100,000 to $300,000 169 $5,331 $300 to $7,430
Over $300,000 to $500,000 56 $6,673 $4,229 to $9,276
Over $500,000 41 $9,931 $6,766 to $12,151
Residential internal alterations only $0 to $19,999 27 $2,136 $1,546 to $2,355
$20,000 to $100,000 21 $2,632

$1,671 to $3,782

Over $100,000 to $300,000 Sample too small - -
Over $300,000 to $500,000 Sample too small - -
Over $500,000 No applications received - -
Residential multi-unit dwelling $0 to $19,999 Sample too small -
$20,000 to $100,000 Sample too small - -
Over $100,000 to $500,000 29 $9,759 $6,254 to $13,539
Over $500,000 to $1,000,000 138 $14,578 $9,800 to $20,103
Over $1,000,000 230 $26,788 $14,618 to $43,475
Residential plumbing and drainage $0 to $19,999 6 $3,736 $1,856 to $3,993
$20,000 to $100,000 13 $3,356 $2,090 to $4,221
Over $100,000 to $300,000 No applications received - -
Over $300,000 to $500,000 No applications received - -
Over $500,000 Sample too small - -
Residential swimming/spa pool $0 to $19,999 No applications received - -
$20,000 to $100,000 33 $3,089 $2,264 to $4,584
Over $100,000 to $300,000 15 $3,197 $2,547 to $7,215
Over $300,000 to $500,000 No applications received - -
Over $500,000 No applications received - -


  • 'No applications received' is when there were no applications of that type received in the last financial year.
  • 'Sample too small' is when there are six or fewer building consents of that type issued in the last financial year. 

Building consents will cost more when:

  • there are a significant number of requests for information (RFI's) during processing.
  • the value of the building work is higher.
  • the land has the foundation technical category TC3.
  • the land is a hill site.
  • the land is subject to natural hazards (e.g. flooding, rockfall, etc).
  • the building consent is for more than one building, such as a dwelling and an accessory building etc.
  • due to the complexity of the building work, additional inspections are required.
  • the building consent processing requires specialist review (e.g. structural, geotechnical or fire engineer, etc).
  • the building consent is for a multi-unit building.
  • the design of the building work is complex, such as multiple cladding systems, use of alternative solutions, etc.


The Christchurch City Council is not able to provide you with the total cost of your building consent at the time of lodging your application. This cost is only finalised at the time of granting the building consent.

The fees shown are from all building consent fees charged within the 2023/24 financial year.  The information provided in this guide is intended for your general use and information purposes only. 

The Christchurch City Council accepts no liability for your reliance on this guide.