Community consultation archive
Consultations prior to July 2023 are listed below.
For open consultations, and consultations that have closed since July 2023, visit Kōrero mai | Let’s talk(external link).
The proposed no stopping restrictions on Emerson Street have been adjusted following previous public consultation.
The proposed no stopping restrictions on Cotterill Street have been adjusted following previous public consultation.
This publicly notified resource consent application is for new buildings to accommodate facilities to provide services including healthcare, employment, education and housing to young people between the ages of 10 - 25
We’d like to hear what you think about proposed plans for the Dallington Landing – the first of the landings that Council will be developing along the Green Spine of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
We’d like to hear what you think about proposed plans for three pedestrian/cycle bridges (two replacement bridges and one in a new location) that will be developed along the Green Spine of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the Council's finances and it's time for you to give feedback on our new draft budget for 2020-21.
We’d like to hear what you think about a proposal to lease an area of Elmwood Park to the Old Boys Collegians Cricket Club for cricket practice nets.
We are resurfacing Waimairi Road, between Peer Street and Maidstone Road in late 2020, early 2021. As part of this work we are considering installing on-road cycle lanes on this section of Waimairi Road which requires the removal on some on-street parking
Halswell Rugby League Football Club have made an application to Council for a new lease for a pavilion rebuild and a sports field lighting upgrade.
The Draft Annual Plan 2020–21 – our draft budget for the coming year – focuses on the need to secure the city’s water supply and upgrade roads, footpaths and facilities. It also prioritises keeping rates as low as possible.
Netsal, an organisation set up by Christchurch Netball, and Mainland Football, has been looking for a suitable site for a joint indoor court facility. They have approached Council for a ground lease to develop a Netsal Centre at Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub.
Local residents have asked us to install no stopping restrictions on Perth Street. We would like to hear what you think.
The 2020 Life in Christchurch Central City survey is now open for your feedback
Parking changes may be introduced to Salisbury Street between Park Terrace and Durham Street North. We would like to receive comments from community in regards to the level of support for one or both of these blocks to be changed.
We have two options for the final layout of the dog agility area and we would like your feedback on your preferred option.
We’re developing our 2020–2022 draft Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board Plan and we’d like to hear your feedback.
The proposed one-way section is between Chapmans Road and Maunsell Street and is part of the Heathcote Expressway Major Cycle Route – Puari ki Kahukura
The Christchurch Archery Club would like to add an indoor range to their current clubrooms to provide year-round archery facilities. This requires an expansion of its ground lease and the removal of several trees and shrubs.
We’re developing our 2020 – 2022 draft Waihoro/Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board Plan and we’d like to hear your feedback.
Residents and motorists have raised concerns about safety at the intersection of Wairakei and Grahams roads. To improve safety here we’re making changes to the road layout.
We’re developing our 2020 – 2022 draft Waikura/ Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board Plan and we’d like to hear your feedback.