Banks Peninsula draft Community Board Plan 2020-2022

We’re developing our 2020–2022 draft Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board Plan and we’d like to hear your feedback.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 18 February 2020 to 10 March 2020

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This plan outlines our vision and priorities for the Banks Peninsula community and will guide our decisions on local activities, projects and facilities over the next three years.

We are asking for your feedback on our vision and priorities for the Banks Peninsula community as part of our Community Board Plan.


A Community Board Plan is a three-year plan that sets out the Community Board’s vision and priorities for the local community.

These Plans will guide the Board’s decisions on local activities, projects and facilities and our advocacy on behalf of our communities.

Each Community Board Plan will identify up to nine priorities, which the Community Board will focus on during the term. 

The Board is now developing its 2020 – 2022 Community Board Plan in conversations with our communities, with the aim to adopt the Plan by April 2020.

Read more about the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board. (external link)

Our vision

Banks Peninsula is home to many unique, thriving settlements as well as being a valued place for locals and visitors from the region, country and overseas to recreate, explore and unwind.

Our focus is to enhance environmental, cultural, social and economic well-being so that the Peninsula is a vibrant and reviving place to live, work and visit.

Vision statements

  • The Peninsula’s environmental sustainability and biodiversity is maintained and enhanced
  • The Board has strong relationships with Papatipu Rūnanga who have mana whenua over Banks Peninsula to ensure that cultural values are acknowledged and understood
  • The Peninsula’s infrastructure is well-maintained and developed as appropriate
  • Our communities are strong, connected and foster a sense of belonging  
  • Tourism opportunities are balanced with environmental, social and cultural values
  • The cultural, environmental and built heritage of Banks Peninsula is valued and enhanced
  • Our communities are prepared for the impacts of natural hazards and can respond
  • The Board actively engages and communicates with its communities to understand local issues 
  • Planning is undertaken to promote the social and economic prosperity of Peninsula settlements

Our advocacy and decision-making over the next three years will be guided by all of the vision statements above.

Our priorities 

We are proposing the following as our areas of focus which require funding in the Long Term Plan and want to know if you agree with our proposed priorities and have any suggestions or feedback. Your feedback will help us make final decisions on our Board Plan.

Destination Management Plan

A Destination Management Plan for Banks Peninsula is complete (ChristchurchNZ-led with Council support and early, regular Board involvement), and funding is allocated for implementation. The Plan should take account of current and future economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts by addressing: 

  • The needs of local residents, the environment, local businesses and visitors
  • How many and what type of visitors provide the best value for the community
  • Cruise ship management
  • Freedom camping
  • Infrastructure demands
  • The impact of seasonality on small businesses and the community
  • Accommodation issues for seasonal and low-income workers

Wastewater treatment plant renewals

  • The Akaroa, Duvauchelle and Wainui wastewater treatment plant renewals are funded and underway to improve the environment by ending the discharge of wastewater into the Akaroa Harbour.

Upgrading toilets

  • Public toilets on Banks Peninsula are brought up to an acceptable standard with priorities determined by existing Parks planning processes and taking account of increasing visitor numbers.

Finalise the Naval Point Development Plan

  • The Naval Point Development Plan is approved and implementation is fully funded.

Maintaining our parks

  • Banks Peninsula parks maintenance levels are appropriate.

Improve our rural roads

  • Capital and operational funding is increased to support reasonable levels of service for rural roads and citywide standards are set for the repair and maintenance of shingle roads.

Develop the Akaroa Village plan

  • The community is involved in village planning for Akaroa including the beach/waterfront area and BP meats site and as part of this planning, the Akaroa Places and Spaces Plan is updated.

Flooding is mitigated in the wider Little River Village area

  • Flooding is mitigated in the wider Little River village area with land drainage networks maintained and developed to an appropriate standard that meets community and cultural expectations.

Plan for future use of Godley House site

  • The status and use of the Godley House site is resolved in a holistic manner which recognises its importance to village life as identified in the Diamond Harbour Village Plan.

If you have any questions please contact the Governance Managers:

Akaroa/Wairewa - Penelope Goldstone

Lyttelton/Mt Herbert - Joan Blatchford

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How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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