This policy under section 102(3)(a) and section 109 of the Local Government Act 2002 applies from 1 July 2023.

The Rates Remission Policy [PDF, 280 KB] was approved by Council at its meeting on 27 June 2024. It applies from 1 July 2024.  It is a policy under section 102(3)(a) and section 109 of the Local Government Act 2002.

The objective of the Rates Remission Policy is to provide rates relief in ten situations, to support either the fairness and equity of the rating system or the overall wellbeing of the community.

The policy provides rates remissions for:

  • Not-for-profit community-based organisations.
  • Land owned or used by the Council for community benefit.
  • Rates – late payment and arrears penalties.
  • Contiguous parcels of land.
  • Residential pressure wastewater system electricity costs.
  • Earthquake-affected properties.
  • Excess water rates.
  • Vacant central city land.
  • Wheelie bin service reduction.
  • Other remissions deemed fair and equitable.