If you demolish a building on your property, let us know so that we can record the demolition and adjust your rating value. Your rates will be calculated on this lower value from the following 1 July.

Adjusting your rating value

Whenever a property is subdivided, built on, or demolished, we must inspect it, amend its rating value, and record the changes in our rating database. This process can take up to six weeks.

A Quotable Value (QV) valuer will inspect the property and assess its new rating value. QV will send you a valuation notice and the Council will send you an updated rates assessment to reflect the new valuation.  

If you disagree with the amended valuation, you can lodge an objection with QV in writing within 20 working days.  Please contact QV at 0800 787 284 or visit the QV website(external link) for more information.

Let us know if your building is demolished

We can monitor subdivisions and new buildings through our consenting systems, but we cannot know when your demolition has been completed.  

If you have demolished a building and do not plan to rebuild it promptly, let us know so that we can adjust your rating value to reflect the impact of the demolition. We will adjust your rates to reflect your lower rating value from the following 1 July. 

If your demolition occurred before 1 July 2024, please send evidence, such as a demolition certificate or letter from the contractor, to ratesvaluation@ccc.govt.nz.

Please contact us at 03 941 8999, 0800 800 169 or ratesvaluation@ccc.govt.nz for more information.