Christchurch City Council’s Annual Plan or Long Term Plan lays out work for the year ahead, how much this will cost, and the total amount of rates needed to pay for it.

Most rates are based on the rating value of the property. Some are charged as a fixed dollar amount to all properties, such as the general rate referred to as the Uniform Annual General Charge. 

The types of rates charged to an individual property will depend on its use and its geographical location, relative to the Council infrastructure network and rubbish collection area.

The Council collects several different types of rates.

General rates

General rates pay for all Council spending that is not funded from any other source. 

Council charges a relatively small, fixed charge per property (the Uniform Annual General Charge), plus a larger amount based on the property's capital value. This ensures that rates are collected broadly in proportion to property values while ensuring that all properties pay a minimum amount towards the running of the city.

In 2024/2025, the Uniform Annual General Charge is set at $177.00 Separately Used or Inhabited Part (SUIP) of a rating unit and the standard value-based general rate at 0.238933 cents per dollar of capital value.

The value-based general rate is charged differently to businesses and some farming properties because businesses are considered to put greater pressure on Council spending and remote rural properties less pressure.

These general rate differentials are set so that business properties pay a value-based general rate which is 2.220 times the standard value-based general rate. Remote rural properties pay a value-based general rate which is 0.75 times the standard value-based general rate. 

Vacant properties in:

  • The Central City Business Zone or the Central City Mixed Use (South Frame) Zone,
  • Sydenham: The area zoned Commercial Core in the District Plan within 150m of either side of Colombo Street between Carlyle and Brougham Streets.
  • Linwood Village: The area zoned Commercial Core in the District Plan within 150m of either side of Stanmore Road, between Gloucester and Hereford Streets.
  • Lyttelton: The area zoned Commercial Banks Peninsula in the District Plan in Lyttelton, east of Dublin Street, south of Winchester Street, and west of St Davids Street (as extended down to Gladstone Quay), including properties to the south of Norwich Quay.
  • New Brighton: The area zoned Commercial Core in the District Plan within 150m of either side of Brighton Mall and within 500m west of Marine Parade.

Where no active or consented use is being made of the land, pay a value-based general rate which is 4.523 times the standard value-based general rate.

The criteria for the business, remote rural and city vacant differentials are set out in our Rating Policy.

Remote rural operational guidelines [PDF, 355 KB] are also available.

Targeted rates

Targeted rates recover the cost of specific Council services, such as water.

Christchurch properties receiving, or capable of receiving certain Council services are charged the following targeted rates:

  • Water, sewerage and land drainage rates are based on how much these services cost and the capital value of the property. All properties within the relevant serviced area are charged. If you have an empty section or use your own septic tank, these charges are still applied as the water, sewerage and land drainage facilities continue to be made available to your property.
  • Waste minimisation rates are charged as a uniform charge for most properties in the city.
  • Active travel and special heritage (Cathedral) is charged as a uniform charge to all rateable properties in the district.
  • Special heritage (Arts Centre) rates are charged to all rateable properties in the district in proportion to capital value.
  • The Central City Business Association (CCBA) rate is a uniform rate charged to business properties in Central City.

Water supply targeted rate – full charge and half charge

This rate recovers the net operating cost of the water supply. It is assessed as a number of cents in the dollar of capital value on every separately rated property to which water is supplied through the on-demand water reticulation system.

The half charge is assessed on rating units that are serviceable, situated within 100 metres of any part of the on-demand water reticulation system, but which are not connected to that system.

In 2024/25, the targeted rate for water supply is 0.067753 cents per dollar of capital value (full charge) or 0.033877 cents per dollar of capital value (half charge).

Restricted water supply targeted rate

This rate recovers the net operating cost of water supplied through restricted water supply systems. A Restricted Water Supply Targeted Rate is assessed on every rating unit receiving the standard level of service as defined by the City Water and Waste Unit Manager.

Where a rating unit receives multiple levels of service, it will be assessed with multiple Restricted Water Supply Targeted Rates.

In 2024/2025 the rate is $390.00 per standard service.

Water supply fire connection rate

The purpose of the Water Supply Fire Connection Rate is to recover the costs of water supply fire connection on a per-connection basis. It is assessed on a uniform basis to the rating units serviced.

In 2024/2025 the rate is $125.00 per connection.

Excess water supply commercial targeted rate   

The purpose of this targeted rate is for commercial properties that place an unusually high demand on the water supply system to contribute an additional amount to the cost of water supply activities.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for commercial excess water supply is a volumetric amount of $1.41 per cubic metre of excess water supplied. This amount is invoiced separately from other rates, as it is based on water meter readings.

Excess water supply residential targeted rate

This targeted rate also contributes to water supply cost recovery by assessing additional charges on those residential properties placing an unusually high demand on the water supply system.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for residential excess water supply is a volumetric amount of $1.41 per cubic metre of excess water supplied. This amount is invoiced separately from other rates, as it is based on water meter readings. 

Each residential property has an allowance of 0.9 cubic metres per day per separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit.  The rate is charged only for use above that allowance.

Land drainage targeted rate

The purpose of this rate is to recover the net operating cost of waterways and land drainage. It is assessed as a number of cents in the dollar of capital value on every separately rated property which is within the serviced area.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for land drainage is 0.042399 cents per dollar of capital value.

Sewerage targeted rate

This rate recovers the net operating cost of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal. It is assessed as a number of cents in the dollar of capital value on every separately rated property which is in the serviced area.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for sewerage is 0.082545 cents per dollar of capital value.

Waste minimisation targeted rate

The purpose of this rate is to recover the net operating cost of the collection and disposal of recycling and organic waste – our yellow and green bins. Red rubbish bins are paid for through the General Rate.

The full charge is assessed on every property in the kerbside collection area. An equivalent charge is also made to non-rateable rating units where the service is provided.

For rating units outside the kerbside collection area, where a limited depot collection service is available, a uniform targeted rate of 75 per cent of the full rate will be made.

Properties in the inner city bag collection area do not pay the waste minimisation rate, as they pay for rubbish disposal through the bag system.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for waste minimisation is a fixed amount of $184.82 (full charge) or $138.62 (part charge).

Active travel targeted rate

This rate contributes to the Active Travel Programme. It is assessed on every separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit, as defined by the UAGC definition, within the serviced area.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for active travel is a fixed amount of $20.00 per SUIP.

Special heritage (Cathedral) targeted rate

This is a temporary rate (until June 2028) to fund the Council's $10 million heritage grant toward the restoration of the Christ Church Cathedral. It will be assessed on every separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit (as defined by the UAGC definition) in the district.

In 2024/2025, the Special Heritage (Cathedral) targeted rate is a fixed amount of $6.52 per SUIP.

Special Heritage (Arts Centre)

The purpose of this rate is to fund a $5.5 million grant to the Arts Centre.  The rate will recover this cost over 10 years ending in 2031/32.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for Special Heritage (Arts Centre) is 0.000388 cents per dollar of capital value.

Central City Business Association (CCBA)

This is a grant of $240,000 (plus GST, if any) to the CCBA to support their activities. We charge the CCBA rate only to business rating units in the CCBA area – Central City – with a land value greater than or equal to $90,000.

In 2024/2025, the targeted rate for CCBA is a fixed amount of $485.06.