The Linwood Village Master Plan provides a way to create a lively urban village full of colour, life and energy, truly reflecting the character of the people who make this place their home.

An artist's impression of a redeveloped Linwood Village looking west from the corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road.

The process to identify stakeholders, key issues, community aspirations and develop the Linwood Village Master Plan began in July 2011. After technical expert workshops and community consultation, the master plan was endorsed by the Community Board before being adopted by the Council in August 2012.

Vision, goals and actions

The Linwood Village Master Plan contains a strategic vision to transform the centre into a lively, colourful, diverse and eclectic urban village.

The vision is supported by five goals, which are to be delivered through eight detailed implementation actions/projects. These encourage Council, private sector, community and government-led decision making to align and move forward together in a logical sequence.

The associated vision, goals and actions are described in detail on pages 11, 12 and 25 of the Linwood Village Master Plan [PDF, 4.8 MB].

Progress on implementation of actions

In the years following the adoption of the Linwood Village Master Plan, actions have been implemented where possible. The context for these continues to change and this has influenced decisions by the Council, other organisations and private individuals.

Progress on implementation of Linwood Village Master Plan actions can be viewed below, under the areas or themes with which each action aligns.

Current projects

Streetscape (S1)

  • (S1a) Finalise and implement the streetscape plan: Following pre-construction surveying prior to completion of the Linwood Village streetscape upgrade in November 2024, the Council is currently undertaking post-construction surveying of the community to enable the streetscape upgrade's impact on the perceptions and use of the Linwood Village shopping centre to be monitored and understood.

Recovery together (R)

  • (R2) Business and Residents' Association: The Council's local Community Governance and Urban Regeneration staff have provided advice to a community member towards building the Stanmore Community Group into a sustainable community group.

Completed actions

South-west block (B2)

  • (B2) Collaborative design and redevelopment of the southwest corner of Worcester Street and Stanmore Road: Williams Corporation completed a two-storey, mixed-use development with five ground floor tenancies and five apartments on the southwest corner in 2019.

Community facilities and open space (C1)

  • (C1a) Develop the design and implement the Landscape Plan for the Doris Lusk Park and the Linwood Community Art Centre site: The Council completed a water drinking fountain and bike fix-it as part of a wider park revamp in 2014.
  • (C1b) Redesign and redevelop the public toilet facility on the Linwood Community Art Centre site: The Council replaced the previous toilets with new ones that offer better amenities and safety in 2014.
  • (C1c) Design and install children’s interactive play art in the Doris Lusk Park: The Council installed a bespoke sculptural artwork entitled Pumping Station Perspective in 2024.  More information.(external link)

Streetscape (S1)

  • (S1a) Finalise and implement the streetscape plan: The Council completed the streetscape upgrade to Stanmore Road between Gloucester and Hereford Streets, creating a safer and more welcoming environment for both pedestrians and road users, in November 2024.
  • (S1c) Improve bus waiting spaces to include shelters, seating and good lighting, based on CTED recommendations, and real-time information: The Council completed a solar-powered shelter in 2015, which enables bus users to charge their phones while they wait.

Recovery together (R)

  • (R1) Undertake community initiatives: The Council partnered with The Green Lab (formally Greening the Rubble) to run a co-design and building process with the local community aimed at temporarily providing basic amenities and gathering spaces lost after the earthquakes. The Council added a series of transitional installations, including planter boxes and colourful spheres, to the street in 2014 ahead of the permanent update. The Council completed transition of the ownership and management of the Tiny Shops to local community group Te Whare Roimata in 2024.

Ongoing actions

Recovery together (R)

  • (R1) Undertake community initiatives: The Koha Gardens and Tiny Shop village opened in 2018 and is now owned and managed by Te Whare Roimata.
  • (R3) Case management: The Council has and continues to provide assistance as required since 2012.

Commenced actions

The following Linwood Village Master Plan actions have commenced and/or been completed in part to the extent noted:

Recovery together (R)

  • (R2) Business and Residents Association: The Inner City East-Linwood Revitalisation Working Group completed an Inner City East Linwood Revitalisation Plan, endorsed by the former Waikura Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board, in 2021. More information(external link).

Not yet commenced actions

North-west corner (B1)

  • (B1) Collaborative design and redevelopment of the north-west corner of Worcester Street/Stanmore Road: For the private landowner to implement.

Streetscape (S1)

  • (S1b) Upgrade Stanmore Road entrance to the car parking area between Supervalue and Worcester Street block: For the private landowner to implement.

Off-street parking – NE block (N1)

  • (N1) Finalise design and undertake upgrade works: For the private landowner to implement.

Discontinued actions

No Linwood Village Master Plan actions have been discontinued.