Enliven places programme

Transform underutilised sites into vibrant and welcoming public spaces.

The Enliven Places Programme (formerly Transitional Cities Programme) transforms underutilised sites into vibrant and welcoming public spaces. We support the community by delivering temporary projects and events that enhance amenities and activity.

Programme aims

The Enliven Places Programme supports and encourages the community to deliver projects and events that enliven and transform Christchurch and leave a lasting legacy. The Programme aims to:

  • create an attractive, fun, interesting and welcoming environment
  • encourage visitor engagement and activity
  • resolve issues and problems identified by the community
  • attract people to urban regeneration areas
  • contribute to Christchurch’s unique identity, legacy and sense of place
  • trial and test new ideas and local initiatives

Explore our previous projects and advice to help get started with your own placemaking project. 

Artworks and creative installations

Enhancing city areas with colour, greenery, sculpture and lighting features.

Street improvements and wayfinding

Pedestrian-friendly projects that support movement and a sense of discovery.

Placemaking and activation

Transforming spaces into vibrant and interactive places for people.

Three men carrying a tray of food for a hangi

Place Partnership Fund

Funding is available to strengthen connections between Christchurch communities and their places and spaces.

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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