Prepared by the Inner City East – Linwood Revitalisation Working Group, with and for the local community.

Download a copy of the Inner City East Linwood Revitalisation Plan [PDF, 1.3 MB] [PDF, 1.3 MB].

Inner City East Linwood Revitalisation Plan cover

The plan

The plan is the result of three years’ work by a group of residents from the Linwood Village – Inner City East neighbourhood (ICE) who were assisted by staff from Te Whare Roimata and Christchurch City Council.


The plan guides the next steps in the revitalisation of the neighbourhood through empowerment and partnerships.

It articulates how the community sees the future for the neighbourhood and identifies the ways that various agencies can work towards this future. 

It will be used by stakeholders and the community as an ongoing reference and guide as the actions are implemented over time.


The plan covers the neighbourhood between Madras Street, Linwood Avenue, Kilmore Street and Cashel Street.


The Inner City East Linwood Revitalisation Plan [PDF, 1.3 MB] [PDF, 1.3 MB] describes the neighbourhood and is built around seven action themes, each with key goals that support revitalisation opportunities:

  1. Our people
  2. Safety in our community
  3. Our natural and cultural environment
  4. Our assets
  5. Our homes
  6. Pride in our neighbourhood
  7. Getting around our neighbourhood

Want to be involved? 

If you are interested in being part of delivering community projects identified in the plan or would like to be kept informed of its implementation, email