The Ferry Road Master Plan supports the recovery of suburban centres along Ferry Road from Fitzgerald Avenue to the Ferrymead Bridge following the earthquakes in 2011. It also aims to improve the safety and amenity of the road corridor.

Ferry Road Master Plan [PDF, 4.7 MB] [PDF, 4.7 MB]

Ferry Road is an important arterial that connects the city to the sea and performs several key transportation functions for the whole city. It links the city’s seaside suburbs and port with the Central City and provides services to a number of communities along its route.

Its recovery is closely connected to the long-term prosperity of the city. Ferry Road includes several commercial centres along its route, namely Ferrymead, Woolston Village, Phillipstown and Charleston.

The process to identify stakeholders, key issues, community aspirations and develop the Ferry Road Master Plan began in August 2011. After technical expert workshops and community consultation, the master plan was endorsed by the Community Board before being adopted by the Council in May 2014.

Vision, goals and actions

The Ferry Road Master Plan contains a strategic vision for Ferry Road to recover from earthquake impacts, to become a safe and pleasant movement corridor connecting city and sea, linking resilient and vibrant commercial centres.

This vision is supported by 26 goals, which are to be delivered through 24 detailed implementation actions. These encourage Council, private sector, community and government-led decision-making to align and move forward together in a logical sequence.

The vision, goals and actions are described in detail in sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Ferry Road Master Plan [PDF, 4.7 MB] [PDF, 4.7 MB]

Progress on implementation of actions

In the years following the adoption of the Ferry Road Master Plan, actions have been implemented where possible. The context for these continues to change and this has influenced decisions by the Council, other organisations and private individuals.

Progress on implementation of Ferry Road Master Plan actions can be viewed below, under the geographic location for each action.

Current projects

Corridor-wide (FR)

  • (FR3) Corridor transportation safety and amenity upgrades: The Council is in the process of delivering improved pedestrian crossing points along Ferry Road between Wilsons Road and Ensors Road. Preparation of the scheme design is underway, in anticipation of community consultation. 

Phillipstown/Charleston (CE)

  • (CE3) Bus priority upgrades: The Council has requested funding for a bus priority project on Ferry Road through its inclusion in the Public Transport Futures detailed business case. Associated community consultation awaits confirmation of this funding, which is expected later this year.

Completed actions

Corridor-wide (FR)

  • (FR2) Alignment with the District Plan Review: The Council made recovery-supportive provisions in the Christchurch District Plan operative in December 2017, including:
    • The reviewed function of the isolated Business 1 (Local Centre)-zoned areas at Phillipstown/Charleston and Business 4 (Suburban Industrial) areas serving a commercial function.
    • Reduced on-site car parking requirements for activities in neighbourhood centres which meet certain qualifications (e.g. access to public transport and major cycle routes).
    • Updated minimum floor levels in flood management areas.
    • Controls on the impervious surfacing in the setbacks from rivers.
  • (FR4) Woolston Park transportation improvements: The Council completed improvements to the pedestrian and cycle environment around the cluster of educational and recreational facilities near Te Waka Unua School, and to parking around Woolston Park, in 2019.
  • (FR5) Business forums and advisors: Completed by local business owners.

Phillipstown/Charleston (CE)

  • (CE1) Review of centre definition: The Council completed this via the reviewed Christchurch District Plan made operative in December 2017.
  • (CE4) Transitional project – Phillipstown: The Council trialled a traffic light control box painting project in 2016. Further funding for other transitional projects is possible (e.g. from the Community Board's Discretionary Response Fund).

Woolston (WL)

  • (WL1) Ferry Road movement and streetscape improvements through Woolston: The Council delivered a streetscape upgrade, including gateway features, in Woolston Village in 2021. Pre- and post-construction monitoring completed in 2020 and 2023 indicates the streetscape upgrade objectives to balance the needs of different transport modes and enhance Woolston’s destination appeal were met. Feedback was mixed on the success of the objective to highlight the centre’s distinctive industrial character. For a summary of the findings, see the executive summary [PDF, 732 KB]. For the quantitative and qualitative data, see the results report [PDF, 1.4 MB].
  • (WL3) Ferry Road crossing enhancements: Delivery of this project was combined with actions (FM3) and (FM4) along the estuary edge (see below) to create cost efficiencies and maximise asset delivery.  The Council delivered safer and more convenient pedestrian crossings in November 2022. See Coastal Pathway(external link) and cycle routes(external link) for more information.
  • (WL4) Woolston parking plan: Council parking surveys undertaken in the Woolston shopping centre in November 2015 and June 2017 demonstrated that there was sufficient parking in Woolston at that time, and the Council also completed a Suburban Parking Policy to address suburban parking issues in 2019, as a result of which a parking plan has not been produced. The Council reconstructed and improved off and on-street parking facilities as part of the Woolston Community Library rebuild and Ferry Road streetscape upgrade in Woolston in 2018 and 2021 respectively.
  • (WL5) Woolston gateway enhancements: The Council delivered these enhancements in the form of three pou at each end of Woolston village in 2022.
  • (WL6) Heathcote Street pocket park and pedestrian bridge to Cumnor Terrace: The Council completed landscape improvements to Connal Reserve in 2021.
  • (WL7) Community hub and Council car park improvements:  The Council delivered a rebuilt Woolston Community Library in 2014, incorporating a multi-unit community hall, public toilet and bi-fold doors connecting the building to the car park. Exterior improvements include a courtyard with public seating, improved off and on-street parking facilities and additional pedestrian connections from Ferry Road to the upgraded car park and to a daycare centre to the north of the building.

Ferrymead (FM)

  • (FM1) Ferrymead streetscape improvements: The Council (as part of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team, aka SCIRT) delivered repair work on Ferrymead Bridge and surrounds in 2015.
  • (FM3) Estuary edge/Coastal Pathway connection: The Council delivered the new Coastal Pathway connections at Tidal View and Windsurfer’s Reserve and the new rock wall revetment, landscape works and planting, outdoor tables, bike racks, a drinking fountain and outdoor shower along Tidal View in November 2022.
  • (FM4) Humphreys Drive crossings: The Council delivered enhanced pedestrian and cycle crossings on Humphrey’s Drive in November 2022.
  • (FM6) Bus transfer facility enhancements: The Council review of the existing bus stop and shelter around 2016 determined them to be of a sufficiently high standard for their level of use, not warranting the extent of enhancements anticipated. However, SCIRT completed crossing point improvements in the form of a pedestrian island in 2016 as part of repairs to the road.
  • (FM7) Kite Lane pedestrian/cycle and amenity enhancements: Private landowners have completed some additional landscaping since 2014.

Ongoing actions

Corridor-wide (FR)

  • (FR1) Case management: The Council has and continues to provide assistance as required since 2014.
  • (FR3) Corridor transportation safety and amenity upgrades: The Council is delivering these as part of wider road maintenance and upgrade programmes. See 'Current projects' above.

Commenced actions

The following Ferry Road Master Plan actions have commenced and/or been completed in part to the extent noted:

Phillipstown/Charleston (CE)

  • (CE3) Bus priority upgrades:  See ‘Current projects’ above. 

Woolston (WL)

  • (WL4) Woolston parking plan: The Council investigated opportunities to consolidate car parking facilities behind businesses on the south side of Ferry Rd in 2018, but these are dependent on the private landowners to implement.
  • (WL6) Heathcote Street pocket park and pedestrian bridge to Cumnor Terrace: See ‘Completed actions’ above. The Council has yet to fund a study into, identification and evaluation of the options for the best location for new pedestrian bridges across the lower Heathcote River, including the one anticipated by this action.

Ferrymead (FM)

  • (FM1) Ferrymead streetscape improvements: See ‘Completed actions’ above. The Council has yet to fund and commence the balance improvements anticipated.
  • (FM7) Kite Lane pedestrian/cycle and amenity enhancements: For private landowners to complete implementation.

Not yet commenced actions

Phillipstown/Charleston (CE)

  • (CE2) Streetscape enhancements: The Council has yet to fund this action.

Woolston (WL)

  • (WL2) Heathcote Street and Oak Street movement and streetscape improvements: The Council has yet to fund this action.

Ferrymead (FM)

  • (FM2) Ferrymead gateway enhancements: The Council has yet to fund this action.
  • (FM5) Ferrymead towpath connection: The Council has yet to fund this action.

Discontinued actions

Woolston (WL)

  • (WL8) Transitional project – Plunket Rooms: The Council discontinued this action in 2018, in light of improvements to the Woolston Community Library site.