Long Term Plan 2021 to 2031

Documents for the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

On 23 June 2021, Councillors adopted a 10-year budget that invests $3.8 billion into Christchurch’s three waters network and roading and transport systems, and heeds residents’ calls to focus on getting the basics right.

The Long Term Plan 2021–2031 addresses the need for continued investment in our core infrastructure so that we build our resilience and prepare our communities and our city for the impacts of climate change.

It is a forward-looking budget that acknowledges that we need to work in partnership with our communities, iwi, mana whenua, other councils, and government agencies to achieve the best outcomes for our city. Read more on Newsline.(external link)

We'll also be working together with Wharenui Swim Club(external link), selling some Council-owned properties that are no longer being used for their original purpose(external link), and keeping the Riccarton bus lounges open(external link).

For more detail, check out our new online search tool(external link)(external link). It’s your handy guide to the hundreds of projects we'll be spending money on in the next 10 years. Search by the area you live in, the type of project, the project name or even just a key word.

Your feedback

How your feedback helped shape the Long Term Plan

We received 2382 submissions on our draft Long Term Plan from individuals and groups across the whole of Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.

To see what topic your comments fit under, firstly search for your name [XLSX, 1.3 MB].

You can then read a summary of responses from Council staff [PDF, 2.2 MB] on each of those topics.

Contact us at cccplan@ccc.govt.nz if you need help.

Our $13.6 billion budget

Our Long Term Plan 2021–2031 is an ambitious $13.6 billion plan, shaped by extensive feedback from our community. We’re continuing to invest in critical infrastructure and services that will see Christchurch through the coming decade and beyond, and ensure that we’re equipped for the challenges and opportunities coming our way.

Keeping the rates increases that will help deliver this vision as affordable as possible has been our priority. Despite COVID-19 altering our financial landscape, we’ve ultimately arrived at a rates increase lower than what we first proposed, and lower than most other metropolitan cities across New Zealand.

This result can be attributed to a number of factors – since the Draft Long Term Plan was released in March, we’ve benefited from better than expected dividends from our Council-owned companies, a growing rating base, and prudent management of our finances.

Read more on Newsline.(external link)

Investing in the basics


Protecting and upgrading the city’s water networks is a key areas of focus for our spending over the next decade. Councillors approved a combined capital budget of $2.3 billion for its drinking water, wastewater and stormwater networks. Water infrastructure and services accounts for 41 per cent of capital spending in the plan. Read more.(external link)

Christchurch households that regularly use large amounts of water will begin paying an extra charge to cover the cost of supplying it. From 1 July 2022, the targeted rate will apply to any household that uses, on average, more than 700 litres a day – roughly equivalent to 100 toilet flushes or taking seven baths.

Property owners in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula will pay a fixed rate of $1.35 for every 1000 litres they use over the limit, with water usage recorded and billed for on a quarterly basis. Read more.(external link)

Transport, roads and footpaths

Making it safer for people to get where they want to go and improving the condition of roads and footpaths is at the heart of Christchurch’s transport spending over the next 10 years. We've committed to spending $1.45 billion on transport infrastructure as part of our 2021-2031 Long Term Plan. Read more.(external link)

Libraries, Customer Service Hubs and Christchurch Art Gallery

Public feedback has resulted in a re-think of plans around library and art gallery opening hours and the Customer Service Hubs in Lyttelton and Akaroa. We've listened to that feedback and have decided not to proceed with all the proposed service levels changes at this stage. Read more.(external link)

Partnership with the community

We're investing more resources into community partnerships. Partnering with the community is the best way to achieve the outcomes we all want for our city and to prepare ourselves for the challenges that we will face in the future.

Funding of $350,000 a year, for three years, has been put in the budget for community partnerships aimed at building social capital, community capacity and collaboration in communities that require extra support.

The same amount has been provided for an environment and climate change partnership fund that will be used to support community and interest groups undertaking projects that align with our climate change goals. Read more.(external link)

Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor

Plans to turn the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor into a legacy project that will benefit Cantabrians for generations to come have been given a significant boost.

As part of our goals to improve water quality, ecological restoration and support climate change, a total of $316 million has been committed to regenerating the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Regeneration Area (OARC) and creating new recreation opportunities for visitors over the next 10 years. Read more.(external link)


Two new targeted rates will be introduced to help pay for the restoration of some of Christchurch’s most treasured heritage buildings, providing ratepayers with a clear picture of the portion of their rates that they are contributing to specific heritage projects. Read more.(external link)

Climate change

We've adopted a climate resilience strategy and put money in its Long Term Plan towards helping the city achieve its climate change goals.

With the adoption of the Kia Tūroa Te Ao, Ōtautahi Climate Resilience Strategy 2021(external link) we have a framework for action that will help Christchurch reach the target of net zero emissions by 2045.

Read more.(external link)

Rates policy changes

Rates increase

We've approved an average residential rates increase of 4.65 per cent for 2021/2022 in our 10-year budget.

For an average house with a value of $508, 608, a 4.65 per cent rates increase is an extra $132.30 a year, or $2.54 a week. The overall average rates increase for all ratepayers for 2021/2022 is 4.97 per cent. Read more.(external link)

Changes to how we rate

Strong feedback from the rural community has prompted us to drop a proposal to extend the targeted rate for land drainage to all property owners in the district.

Councillors have also decided not to proceed with a proposal that would make not-for-profit community-based organisations with high cash balances no longer eligible for the rates remission they currently get.

Other changes to how we rate will go ahead. Read more.(external link)

You can also read more about our excess water charge(external link) and targeted heritage rates(external link).

Draft plans

Draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 for consultation

Consultation on the Draft Long Term Plan 2021–2031 closed on Sunday 18 April 2021.

You can read and search all the not-heard submissions(external link)heard submissions(external link) and submissions that no longer wish to be heard [PDF, 13 MB].

Read the full consultation document [PDF, 3.7 MB], the Mayor's proposal [PDF, 1.4 MB] or get familiar with all the main issues on Newsline(external link).

Draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 adopted 4 March 2021

The Council report for the Draft Long Term Plan 2021–2031 was adopted on 4 March 2021.

 Underlying documents:

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