Erect a digital screen billboard - 617 - 649 Colombo Street

This publicly notified resource consent application is to erect a digital screen billboard sign on a building on the corner of Lichfield Street and Colombo Street for the purpose of general advertisements and information sharing.

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 17 January 2018 to 15 February 2018
Reference number: RMA/2017/1354
Applicant name: Calder Stewart Development Limited C/- Urbis TPD Ltd
Site address: 617 - 649 Colombo Street
Description of proposed activity: Erect a digital screen billboard sign on a building on the corner of Lichfield Street and Colombo Street for the purpose of general advertisements and information sharing.
The sign will display both static images and video clips. The display will measure 8.4m in height by 11.5m in length. Based on these measurements the sign will have a total area of approximately 103.5m2.
The sign will be located approximately 9.4m above street level with the top of the sign to be approximately 18m above
Phone: (03) 963 8727
Company: Urbis TPD Limited

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Application Document [PDF, 10 MB]

The Hearing has been set down for Tuesday, 22 May 2018 starting at 9.00am, in No 1 Committee Room, Level 2, Civic Offices

Section 42A report [PDF, 784 KB]

Appendix A of 42A report [PDF, 95 KB]

Appendix B of 42A report [PDF, 4.2 MB]

Appendix C of 42A report [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Appendix D of 42A report [PDF, 44 KB]

Appendix E of 42A report [PDF, 291 KB]

Appendix F of 42A report [PDF, 411 KB]

Appendix G of 42A report [PDF, 321 KB]

Applicants Evidence

Evidence of Assoc Prof Clinton Bird [PDF, 12 MB]

Evidence of Stuart Pearson [PDF, 54 KB]

Appendix 2 Camera 6 image [JPG, 8.3 MB]

Review of Visual Effects [PDF, 2.2 MB]

Maximum Visible Area - North East [PDF, 222 KB]

Maximum Visible Area - East View [PDF, 199 KB]

External LED Screen [PDF, 284 KB]

East Elevation [PDF, 412 KB]

North & South Elevations [PDF, 303 KB]

Camera Images 1 - 3 [PDF, 18 MB]

Camera Images 4 - 7 [PDF, 27 MB]

 Statement of Submitters Evidence - on behalf of A B Investments Ltd [PDF, 13 MB]


Decision - Final [PDF, 376 KB]

APPEAL - Decision - Consent Order [PDF, 4.3 MB]

Commissioner has closed the hearing 6 June 2018

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How the decision is made

  • Application completed

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