City Council fees and charges for cemeteries for 2024/2025.

Pay a cemetery bill (by credit card only)

  • Cemetery fees as of 1 July 2024, including GST (15%).
  • Burial, disinterment, and plot purchase fees must be paid in full prior to any burial or disinterment, taking place.
  • The Council does not offer any payment plans.
  • No interments will be scheduled without the prior approval of the Council. 
Plot purchases Fee
Full-size plot $2,009.00
Ash plot $580.00
Child plot $949.00
Burial (9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday) Fee
Stillborn $223.00
Infant to 12 months old $510.00
Child to 6 years old (single depth interment only) $837.00
7 years old and over $1,347.00
Ash interment $269.00
Green burial

$2837.00 or actual costs if greater

Additional  Fee
Burial –  Saturday (9am to 12.30pm) and public holidays $821.00
Ash interment – attended by sexton on Saturday or a public holiday $246.00
Burials continuing after 4pm Monday to Friday or after 1pm Saturday  $351.00
Less than 8 working hours' notice $334.00
Use of a lowering device $135.00
Muslim boards $387.00
Disinterment Fee
Adult casket  $1815.00 or actual costs if greater
Child casket $1,357 or actual costs if greater
Ash $444.00
Memorial work Fee
New headstone or plaque $84.30
Additional lettering $36.20
Renovating work $48.00
Administration Fee
Supply of written information $78.40 per hour
Transfer of Right of Burial $78.40