Local residents, business and property owners, government agencies, interest groups and members of the Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board have worked together on this master plan to guide the recovery and future development of Edgeware Village.

Edgeware Village Master Plan [PDF, 20 MB] [PDF, 20 MB].

The Edgeware Village Master Plan's vision is of a place people enjoy visiting, with:

  • An attractive and compact centre.
  • High-quality locally-owned shops and restaurants.
  • Safe, high amenity, pedestrian-focused streets.

Edgeware Village is lively and enjoyable, reflecting its past cultural landscape and looking to its future while caring for people and the environment.

The process to identify stakeholders, key issues, community aspirations and develop the Edgeware Village Master Plan began in April 2012. After technical expert workshops and community consultation, the master plan was endorsed by the Community Board before being adopted by the Council in December 2013.

Vision, goals and actions

The Edgeware Village Master Plan contains a strategic vision to transform Edgeware Village into a thriving shopping centre and community hub, at the heart of St Albans.

The vision is supported by five goals, which are to be delivered through sixteen detailed implementation actions. These encourage Council, private sector, community and government-led decision-making to align and move forward together in a logical sequence.

The associated actions are described in detail in Section 6 of the Edgeware Village Master Plan [PDF, 20 MB] [PDF, 20 MB].

Implementation of actions

In the years following the adoption of the Edgeware Village Master Plan, actions have been implemented where possible. The context for these continues to change and this has influenced decisions by the Council, other organisations and private individuals.

Progress on implementation of Edgeware Village Master Plan actions can be viewed below, under the themes with which each action aligns.

Current projects

There are no Edgeware Village Master Plan actions currently being implemented.

Completed actions

Improving the public realm

  • (1a) Develop a pedestrian priority environment and ‘gateways’ (entrance points): The Council completed pedestrian safety enhancing kerb build-outs and traffic signals at the Colombo Street/Edgeware Road intersection as part of the major cycleway provision in 2017.
  • (1b) Incorporate major cycleway: The Council delivered this in 2017, as part of the Papanui Parallel Cycleway.
  • (2a) Improve crossing points (Sherborne Street and Springfield Road): The Council delivered the Sherborne Street crossing, at the Canon Street intersection, in 2020/21.

Enhancing courtyards, laneways and off-street parking

  • (3b) Encourage outdoor courtyard spaces: The private landowner of Café Edge completed an outdoor courtyard in 2017.
  • (4) Monitor parking, and investigate new off-street car park if required: The Council completed this as part of the cycleway installation in 2017. The need for further parking monitoring will be assessed closer to the implementation of the streetscape projects.

Rebuilding earthquake-damaged sites

  • (6a) Hardie and Thompson redevelopment: The private landowner completed a partial redevelopment in 2016/17. The balance of the site remains an ongoing commercial activity.
  • (7) Consider a comprehensive development of the Northern Block: The private landowner completed redevelopment and expansion of the supermarket, to incorporate the former Mitre 10 building, in 2012 and 2017 respectively.

Addressing long-term commercial demand

  • (11) Monitor commercial demand and enable expansion/rezoning if required beyond the business zone: The private landowners have completed this through the redevelopment of strategic sites (e.g. supermarkets) and the Council completed consideration of the zoning as part of the District Plan Review in 2015, but no proposal for business land expansion was progressed through that process. Further support can be provided to landowners if further redevelopment options are to be explored.

Supporting business and community initiatives

  • (14) Develop transitional activities/beautification projects: The community and Council completed a number of temporary and permanent projects since 2013, e.g. history boards (2014), cycle stands/seating (2017) and tree lighting (2021).
  • (15) Improve building signage: The private landowners have completed some improvements to building signage as part of renewal/upgrades/redevelopment (e.g. supermarket, butcher) since 2013.

Ongoing actions

Supporting business and community initiatives

  • (14) Develop transitional activities/beautification projects: The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board provides ongoing support where initiatives are identified by the community.
  • (15) Improve building signage: For the building owners to consider and implement further improvements to building signage.
  • (16) Retain case management service: The Council has and continues to provide assistance as required since 2013.

Commenced actions

The following Edgeware Village Master Plan actions have commenced and/or been completed in part to the extent noted:

Improving the public realm

  • (1a) Develop a pedestrian priority environment and ‘gateways’ (entrance points): See ‘Completed actions’ above. The Council resolved in September 2022 that it will consider the construction of a full-height kerb when delivering the remaining streetscape and movement improvements, to mitigate flooding in Edgeware Village, but has yet to fund the balance of this action.
  • (1e) Install amenity planting: The Council provided some temporary amenity planters on the west corner of the Colombo Street/Edgeware Road intersection in 2017, but has yet to fund the balance of this action.
  • (1f) Install street furniture, cycle stands and lighting: The Council provided temporary benches and cycle/fixit stands on the west corner of the Colombo Street/Edgeware Road intersection in 2017, but has yet to fund the balance of this action.
  • (2a) Improve crossing points (Sherborne Street and Springfield Road): See ‘Completed actions’ above. The Council has yet to fund the pedestrian refuge island anticipated by the master plan at Springfield Road.

Enhancing courtyards, laneways and off-street parking

  • (3b) Encourage outdoor courtyard spaces: See 'Completed actions' above. For the private landowners to implement.

Not yet commenced actions

Improving the public realm

  • (1c) Reconfigure parking and taxi arrangements: The Council has yet to fund this action.
  • (1d) Consolidation of existing bus movements and improved transferability between services: The Council has yet to fund this action.
  • (2b) Install wayfinding signage: The Council allocated funding for delivery in FY26/27 and FY27/28 through the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

Enhancing courtyards, laneways and off-street parking

  • (3a) Promote north-south internal connections: For the private landowners to implement.
  • (3c) Improve layout and landscaping of the 1064 Colombo Street car park: For the private landowners to implement.

Edgeware Mall enhancements

  • (5a) Enhance indoor walkway: For the private landowners to implement.
  • (5b) Redevelop the laneway between Mall and Domino’s building: For the private landowners to implement.

Rebuilding earthquake-damaged sites

  • (8) Consider a reconfigured Brumby’s/Timbs redevelopment: Existing site use is ongoing. Further development of options is for the private landowners to consider and implement.

Supporting future development concepts

  • (9) Explore future comprehensive development west of Colombo Street: Existing site/building use is ongoing. The frontage area has been used for temporary installations of street furniture. Further development of options is for the private landowners to consider and implement.
  • (10) Explore future redevelopment and intensification of Edgeware Mall: For the private landowners to implement.

Supporting business and community initiatives

  • (12) Support development of an Edgeware Village market: No activity at this time. This could be revisited in the future if needed through the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board and community funding options.
  • (13) Investigate new Edgeware Village events: No activity at this time. This could be revisited in the future if needed through the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board and community funding options.

Discontinued actions

Rebuilding earthquake-damaged sites

  • (6b) Alternative mixed-use redevelopment: The private landowner of the Hardie and Thomson site has discontinued this as a consequence of (6a) implementation.