Information about Council reports and decisions relating to the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan

To view the Direction issued by the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, Government Gazette(external link).

Master Plan for Lyttelton’s town centre

Master planning for Lyttelton’s town centre began in May/June 2011. Since then the Council has worked with the community to incorporate their ideas and aspirations for Lyttelton’s town centre and beyond into the Master Plan.

The Lyttelton Master Plan, adopted in June 2012, sets out a community-agreed vision for the Lyttelton township and the critical actions to achieve it.

Development of the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan

While the Master Plan’s focus is on the town centre and commercial heart of Lyttelton, it also includes Actions related to Norwich Quay, port and inner harbour waterfront access and Naval Point.

The Minister’s direction states that the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan may not direct or implement changes to the Lyttelton Master Plan, and requires ECan to give consideration to issues and effects that may occur outside the geographic area of the Recovery Plan. The Master Plan will, therefore, help to guide the Port Recovery Plan and ensure that there is an integrated approach with the planning work undertaken for the rebuild and recovery of the town centre.

Council reports on process 

The Lyttelton Access Project report

The Lyttelton Access Project report [PDF, 2.1 MB] was initiated jointly between Christchurch City Council, Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC), the NZ Transport Agency and KiwiRail in 2012. CERA and Environment Canterbury were observers to the process.

The report examines factors affecting long-term Port access, while also seeking to ensure public and visitor access to the waterfront can be achieved.

It is an independent technical evaluation developed with input from officers and officials of the organisations participating in the study.

In June 2014 the Earthquake Recovery Minister announced that a Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan would be produced. In addition, Lyttelton Port Company released further developed thinking on the future Port development in their Port Lyttelton Plan. The work on the Lyttelton Access project was undertaken prior to the release of these documents and needs to be considered in that light.

The Lyttelton Access Project will help inform understanding of some of the relevant issues concerning the port. It may also assist in formulating public feedback to both the Port Lyttelton Plan and the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan.