Council fees and charges for streets and transport for 2024/2025.

  • Fees and charges set under section 150 and in accordance with section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002.
  • Set under the Special Consultative Procedure.
  • GST inclusive (15%).

Car parking

Item Fee
Lichfield Street car park   
Rate per hour or part thereof (6am to 6pm Monday to Sunday) $4.30
Night rate per hour or part thereof up to a max of $10 (6pm to 10am Monday to Sunday) $3.80
All-day rate $16.00
Lost ticket charge (per 24-hour period) Up to $16.00
Art Gallery car park   
Rate per half hour or part thereof (maximum daily fee $25) $2.20
Lost ticket charge (per 24-hour period) $25.00
On-street parking  
Parking Meters   
1-hour meters $4.80 per hour
2-hour meters $4.80 per hour 
Coupon parking $4.80
Meter hoods - per day $32.00
Meter hoods - per month $480.00
Waiver of time limit restriction $225.00
Residential parking and residents exemption permits $106.00

Activities on street - Trenches/Trenchless

Item Fee
Normal road opening $540.00
High-grade pavement opening $870.00
Footpath and minor openings - sewer $290.00
Footpath and minor openings - stormwater $150.00
Water discharge $360.00
Real-time operations professional services $300.00 per hour

Corridor access requests and corridor manager activities

Item Fee
Corridor access requests  
Corridor access request - Construction activity on sites adjacent to the road corridor $230 plus $3,000 bond
Small excavation - Footpath/Berm/Vehicle crossing (up to 3 lineal metres in any direction) $130.00
Small excavation - Carriageway (up to 3 lineal metres in any direction) $265.00
Medium excavation - Footpath/Berm/Carriageway/Vehicle crossing (3 to 20 lineal metres in any direction) $485.00
Large excavation - Footpath/Berm/Carriageway (over 20 lineal metres in any direction) $700.00
Non-excavation Corridor access request / Non-excavation global permit $45.00
Excavation global permit - Footpath/Berm/Carriageway (small excavations only, includes up to 30 inspections) $4,150.00
Corridor manager additional activities  
Standard review of application or revision (including incomplete applications) $90.00
Detailed review of application or revision (including incomplete applications). Includes up to 1 hour. $175.00
Desktop audit/inspection. Includes up to 30 minutes. $90.00
Walk-out/Site audit. Includes up to 45 minutes onsite. $220.00
Follow up on overdue start/end notice. $90.00
Light investigation (e.g. a ticket is raised in relation to the work, and discussion from the corridor manager is required with the public and/or contractor). Includes up to 1 hour. $175.00
Detailed investigation (H&S breach, breach of Code/WAP/TMP conditions). Includes up to 2 hours. $350.00
New surface investigation (Excavation on surface laid within 24 months) $440.00
Other costs - Including loss of warranty on new surface At cost

Traffic management plans (TMP)

Item Fee
Traffic management plan (TMP) applications  
Low volume roads - charge includes 0.5 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $90.00
Level 1 roads - charge includes 1 hour of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $180.00
Level 2 roads - charge includes 1.5 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $270.00
Service Agreement Application - non-intrusive generic works  
Low volume, level 1 and 2 generic TMP - charge includes 2 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180/hour $360.00
Generic traffic management plan applications  
Low volume, level 1 and 2 generic TMP - charge includes 2 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $360.00
Events - Traffic management plan applications  
Level 1 roads - charge includes 1 hour of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180/hour $180.00
Level 2 roads - charge includes 2 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180/hour $360.00
Events requiring temporary road closure - for advertising of proposed and confirmed road closures Actual costs
Roading controlling authority inspections  
Inspection of unapproved work (activities being undertaken without an approved TMP) minimum charge $775.00
Inspection of non-approved Traffic Management methodology (methodology deployed substantially outside TMP approval) minimum charge. $755.00
Inspection of non-conformance - worksite deployed not in accordance with TMP - minimum charge. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $360.00
Other traffic management plan charges  
Application for a revision to an approved Traffic Management Plan - charge includes 0.5 hours of work. Additional time required will be charged at a rate of $180.00 per hour. $90.00

Vehicle crossing

Item Fee
Vehicle crossing pre-approval $170.00

Structures on streets and road stopping

Item Fee
Structures on streets and application fees  
Landscape features (retaining walls for landscaping / private land only) $550.00
Retaining walls for driveways (Board approval not required) $550.00
Retaining walls for driveways, parking platforms etc (Board approval required) $1,100.00
Preparation/Transfer of lease document $550.00
Temporary use of legal road - rate per square metre per month $55.00
Temporary use of legal road - minimum charge per month $220.00
New street name plate and post  $1,100.00
Road stopping
When any person applies to stop a road, then the applicant shall be responsible for meeting the costs and expenses associated with the road-stopping process as determined by the Council.
Application fee (provides for an evaluation of the application by the Council) $1,100.00
Processing fee (following evaluation by Council, if the applicant wishes to proceed a non-refundable minimum fee will apply) $1,650.00
Other costs  

Other costs and expenses that an applicant will be liable to meet include, but are not limited to:

  • survey costs
  • cost of consents
  • public advertising
  • accredited agent fees
  • Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) fees
  • legal fees
  • valuation costs
  • cost of Court and hearing proceedings
  • staff time
  • the market value of the road

Street site rentals

Item Fee
Garage sites - Single (per annum) $260.00
Garage sites - Double (per annum) $525.00
Air space $525.00
Temporary site rental - development purposes - per sq m per month $10.00
- minimum charge per month $85.00
- Miscellaneous Sites (per annum) $3,280.00

Discharging ground water

Item Fee
Discharging ground water to road $370.00

Outdoor dining

Item Fee
Rental fee is based on the total outdoor dining area and location of premises (per annum) $690 minimum

Other licences

Item Fee
Stall licence $115.00
Buskers Licence - outside designated areas (preparation of licence and issuing) $50.00
Hawkers permit $50.00
Mobile shop permit $175.00