Council, 15 November 2023.

Outdoor Dining in Public Places Policy 2023 [PDF, 148 KB].

This policy was adopted by the Council on 15 November 2023 and came into force on 1 February 2024.

The new policy recognises that outdoor dining is a big part of Christchurch's culture and economy and sets out how businesses should provide it in public places, including footpaths and parks.

It encourages smoke-free and vape-free dining, provides for waste management where appropriate and a clear and simple management framework, and supports accessibility – the latter features developed using guidance from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

The policy is flexible and takes into account the different requirements that businesses in different locations and environments have, from the central city to rural townships. The Council has also developed guidance for designing and operating outdoor dining areas, as well as new online forms and processes, and will progressively review current licences.


Outdoor dining can bring life, interest and colour to the public places of Ōtautahi Christchurch and can make a valuable contribution to the city’s vitality, culture and economy.

Under the Public Places Bylaw 2018, any commercial outdoor dining activity requires approval because it is trading in a public place and because the tables and chairs are deemed obstructions of a public place.

This policy sits alongside the Trading and Events in Public Places Policy 2018, which provides Council policy for other forms of trading in public places such as temporary retail stalls and food trucks.

The Council website has information on how to apply for an outdoor dining licence, guidance for applicants and licensees covering the design and operation of outdoor dining areas and sets out the conditions that are generally applied to outdoor dining licences.

While most licenced outdoor dining areas are located on the footpaths of public roads, outdoor dining may also be permitted in a park, provided the outdoor dining is consistent with the purpose of the park.


This policy provides the framework for the management of outdoor dining activities in Council-controlled public places. It seeks to balance the competing demands for public spaces; to allow commercial outdoor dining activities in appropriate locations while ensuring:

  1. Footpaths are accessible to all.
  2. The amenities of the central city, suburban centres and rural townships are maintained and enhanced.


The policy details the criteria for approving outdoor dining in Council controlled public places including conditions applicable to outdoor dining licences.

It does not cover other Council approvals which may be required, such as an alcohol licence, building consent or approval for a structure on the road.

The Council is developing outdoor dining guidance to assist owners of hospitality businesses wanting to apply for outdoor dining licences.

The guidance will outline the appropriate design and operation of outdoor dining areas and set out the standard conditions that are generally attached to licences.