Every year we ask residents how satisfied they are with a range of Council services. Here’s a snapshot of results from this year’s General Service Satisfaction Survey and the series of Point of Contact satisfaction surveys.

What people say we do well – 2023/2024 results

Education programmes

RS23 icon 10

100% satisfied

Provide interactive, hands-on learning experiences for young residents focused on sustainability and civil defence awareness.

What you think

100% are satisfied with our education programmes.

What you say

“Fantastic resources; great content and fun facts.”

Community outcomes

Botanic Gardens and Mona Vale

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons6

99% satisfied

Showcase our garden city, and attract residents and visitors.

What you think

99% are satisfied with the Botanic Gardens and Mona Vale.

What you say

“I love all of it especially the rose garden and the NZ garden, the children's playground and pool, the river walk.”

Community outcomes

Partnership approvals case management service

RS24 icon partnership approvals

98% satisfied

Help navigate the range of approvals and authorisations required for commercial and multi-unit residential development projects.

What you think

98% are satisfied with the partnership approvals case management service.

What you say

“Helped to ensure that we provided the CCC with the right information and completed the processes the first time. This greatly improved consenting timeframes.”

Community outcomes


RS23 icon 14

Libraries 95% satisfied

Inspire discovery, connect people and enrich communities through our public libraries.

What you think

95% of library users are satisfied with our services.

What you say

“Fantastic and informative staff. Very knowledgeable and friendly. We had an awesome experience on our school trip.”

Community outcomes

Cemetries administration services

RS23 icon 12

95% satisfied

Provide administrative support to people using our cemetery services.

What you think

95% of people are satisfied with our cemetery administrative services.

What you say

“I feel able to perform a necessary but stressful task with the feeling of support from people who are competent in their work.”

Community outcomes

Recreation and sport facilities

STR5213 Residents survey web icons recandsport

92% satisfied

Deliver a high level of customer satisfaction with the range and quality of facilities.

What you think

92% of sport and recreation facility users are satisfied with the facilities.

What you say

“Friendly staff, good facilities, good fitness classes.”

Community outcomes

Community events

RS23 icon 16

88% satisfied

Provide services and support to a range of community-focused events that reflect the diverse cultures living in our city.

What you think

88% are satisfied with the community events organised by the Council.

What you say

“Well run and friendly. Family fun for all.”

Community outcomes

Customer service

STR5213 Residents survey web icons 04

Walk-in 98% satisfied
Phone 88% satisfied
Email 68% satisfied

Provide respectful, prompt and efficient responses to address needs and resolve issues.

What you think

Overall, 85% are satisfied with customer service.

What you say

“Staff are excellent friendly and helpful, that's why I come.”

Community outcomes

Kerbside collection

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons3

Residual waste 84% satisfied
Organic waste 83% satisfied
Recycling 83% satisfied

Collect and dispose of much of Christchurch's waste and encourage recycling.

What you think

Overall, 84% of people are satisfied with kerbside collection.

What you say

“Done in a timely manner and we have never had a missed collection.”

Community outcomes

Community facilities

STR5213 Residents survey web icons 03

84% satisfied

Provide and maintain a network of facilities such as community centres and halls.

What you think

84% of people are satisfied with the community facilities the Council offers.

What you say

“The facility that we use is always clean and tidy on our arrival...”

Community outcomes

Reliability of water supply

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons

84% satisfied

Supply clean drinking water to protect the health of our community. 

What you think

84% are satisfied with the reliability of the water supply.

What you say

“Water supply - reliable and of good quality.”

Community outcomes

What has improved the most - 2023/2024 results

Resource consents processing

RS24 icon resource consents

86% satisfied

Process land use and subdivision resource consent applications. 

What you think

86% are satisfied. This is a 15% increase from the previous year.

What you say

“Professional, accurate advice provided by the [...] team to ensure my application documentation was in line with what the planners were wanting to see. This streamlines the whole process.”

Community outcomes

Marine structure availability and access

RS24 icon marine structure

75% satisfied

Provide a network of public marine structures that facilitate recreational and commercial access to the marine environment for citizens and visitors.

What you think

75% are satisfied. This is a 10% increase from the previous year.

What you say

“Safer than the old one, user friendly for yachts to tie on, easy access to ferry.”

Community outcomes

Inner city parks presentation

RS24 icon inner city parks green

85% satisfied

Maintain the presentation of the City's Parks (inner city parks).

What you think

85% are satisfied. This is an 8% increase from the previous year.

What you say

“The city parks and garden[s] are attractive and look well maintained.”

Community outcomes

Stormwater management

RS24 icon stormwater

51% satisfied

Manage flood capacity within the city's rivers and their tributaries.

What you think

51% are satisfied. This is an 8% increase from the previous year.

What you say

“Proactive maintenance of stormwater in my street has prevented any surface flooding occurrences.”

Community outcomes

Where you think we could improve – 2023/2024 results

Wastewater reliability and responsiveness

STR5213 Residents survey web icons 06

66% satisfied

Provide and maintain a network that collects, treats and disposes of the city's wastewater.

What you think

66% are satisfied with the responsiveness and reliability of wastewater.

What you say

“[We] had a leak of grey water and sewerage from a nearby property and the council did not deal with it very well or in a timely manner.”

Community outcomes

On-street parking

STR5213 Residents survey web icons 02

56% satisfied

Provide on-street parking facilities that are easy to use.

What you think

56% are satisfied with on-street parking facilities.

What you say

“[The cost of] parking - put me off going to town and paying $12 to park and see a movie.”

Community outcomes

Community parks presentation

RS24 icon community parks presentation

54% satisfied

Provide and maintain the city's community parks.

What you think

54% are satisfied with the presentation of our community parks.

What you say

“The lawn needs to be mowed more regularly - the long wet grass doesn't make it easy to walk dogs [...] Our neighbours help out with weeding occasionally but it would be nice if [the] council pruned trees and bushes more regularly.”

Community outcomes

Sports parks surfaces

RS23 icon 4

50% satisfied

Provide and maintain surfaces for a range of sports in city parks.

What you think

50% are satisfied with the condition of the Council's sport park surfaces.

What you say

“Irrigation is not working suitably. The pitch becomes too hard during the summer season which can cause grass burn injuries to our players.”

Community outcomes

Water supply quality

RS23 icon 1

48% satisfied

Supply clean drinking water to protect the health of our community.

What you think

48% are satisfied with the quality of our drinking water supply.

What you say

“Give us back our pure drinking and washing water. Sick of washing smelling of chlorine and drinking water tasting bad.”

Community outcomes

Footpath condition

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons9

36% satisfied

Build, maintain and repair streets, roads and footpaths so everyone has safe and easy access to where they need to go.

What you think

36% are satisfied with the condition of the city's footpaths.

What you say

“Many footpaths are uneven and dangerous, especially in low light conditions for those who [have trouble] seeing or [are] older.”

Community outcomes

Road condition

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons11

27% satisfied

Build, maintain and repair streets, roads and footpaths so everyone has safe and easy access to where they need to go.

What you think

27% are satisfied with the condition of the road network across the city.

What you say

“Roading is appalling. So many years after the earthquakes they still fool around doing patch up jobs.”

Community outcomes

Governance and trust

STR4200 Residents Snapshot 195x195 icons13

Openness and transparency 21% satisfied (surveying residents in general)

Support active democracy by ensuring people and groups have information and opportunities for involvement in Council decision-making.

What you think

Satisfaction with public involvement in Council decision-making is low, at 28%. 34% say they understand decision-making, and 26% feel they have an influence on it. 16% say we make wise spending decisions, and 32% say decisions are made in the best interests of the city.

What you say

“Understanding of how [and] why decisions are made and [we want more] opportunity for people to submit their views with publication around this before decisions are made.”

“Transparency for decision making for the city. Need to understand why/how they are making decisions for the city.”

Community outcomes

Additional documents

Previous survey results

Period Survey Results

July 2010

May 2010


March 2009

September 2008


March 2008

September 2007


March 2007


Annual Survey of Residents


Annual Survey of Residents