What you think
100% are satisfied with our education programmes.
What you say
“The tutors, interactive programme. The kids were engaged & had a lot of fun. Thanks for an exceptional morning.”
Every year we ask residents how satisfied they are with a range of Council services. Here’s a snapshot of results from this year’s General Service Satisfaction Survey and the series of Point of Contact satisfaction surveys.
Provide interactive, hands-on learning experiences for young residents focused on sustainability and civil defence awareness.
100% are satisfied with our education programmes.
“The tutors, interactive programme. The kids were engaged & had a lot of fun. Thanks for an exceptional morning.”
Provide administrative support to people using our cemetery services.
100% of people are satisfied with our cemetery administrative services.
“The staff are all amazing to deal with and nothing is ever an issue when we have to call them.”
Showcase our garden city, and attract residents and visitors.
99% are satisfied with the Botanic Gardens and Mona Vale.
“Everything – flowers, kids’ playground, walking.”
Provide and maintain Hagley Park for the recreation and enjoyment of residents and visitors.
98% of people are satisfied with Hagley Park.
“Large park with lots of open space and access to nature.”
Inspire discovery, connect people and enrich communities through our public libraries.
96% of library users are satisfied with our services.
“Book range, customer service, good hours.”
Council provides event organisers with friendly, respectful and timely support.
95% are satisfied with the events support provided by the Council.
“[The Events team was] awesome and really helpful and also wanted to see us deliver a successful event. We had some challenges with the power on the day and the Parks team were down in a flash to [help] sort it out”
Provide efficient and quality support for people using sport and recreation facilities.
94% of sport and recreation facility users are satisfied with the staff support.
“As a school we need health and safety to be the highest priority and the Council generally help us with matters efficiently and quickly.”
Deliver a high level of customer satisfaction with the range and quality of facilities.
91% of sport and recreation facility users are satisfied with the facilities.
“Convenient, great for kids.”
Provide and maintain a network of nature-based parks of regional or ecological significance.
89% are satisfied with the range of opportunities and nature experiences of our regional parks.
“Places to walk, be with nature. Exercise safely, healthy ways to interact with friends + family, accessible for all and good parking, love the nature being planted and a visual reminder of how things used to be in this area in the past, plenty of green spaces are vital for good mental health.”
Provide and maintain the city's cemetery grounds.
87% are satisfied with the maintenance of council cemeteries.
“Always nice and tidy.”
Provide quality case management services through informative, prompt and efficient responses.
87% of people are satisfied with our case management services.
“People are great and help get through red tape [...]”
Provide and maintain a network of facilities such as community centres and halls.
87% of people are satisfied with the community facilities the Council offers.
“Very reasonable cost for non-profit organisations. Flexible booking
system. The facility we use suits our needs perfectly.”
Provide respectful, prompt and efficient responses to address needs and resolve issues.
Overall, people are largely satisfied with our customer service.
“Staff very friendly and respectful. Made request quick and easy.”
Supply clean drinking water to protect the health of our community.
84% are satisfied with the reliability of the water supply.
“Turn the taps [and] I get clean water!”
Collect and dispose of much of Christchurch's waste and encourage recycling.
Overall, 84% of people are satisfied with kerbside collections.
“Bin collection has been very good and consistent, with great communication [on] any changes.”
Provide safe and well-maintained bus interchange and public transport hubs.
84% are satisfied with the appearance, condition, and safety.
“Sheltered from weather, electronic displays, food options.”
Provide and maintain a network of recreation facilities across the city's parks.
77% are satisfied with the overall availability of recreation facilities within the city's parks.
“The Council delivers good playgrounds for families with kids, nice places with picnic tables, great atmosphere.”
Publics satisfaction with influence on Council decision-making.
36% agree they have some or a large influence on Council decision-making. This is a 10% increase from the previous year.
“Accessible Councillors. Ability to present to the Council.”
Council provides events with friendly, respectful and timely support.
95% are satisfied with the events support provided by the Council. This is a 9% increase from the previous year.
“They are solutions focused - rather than saying no they will always see what they can do to help make things happen.”
The Mayor and councillors provide quality leadership.
35% are satisfied. This is a 8% increase from the previous year.
“Generally, I have found council governance at Metropolitan level incredibly professionally helpful and proactive.”
Support active democracy by ensuring people and groups have information and opportunities for involvement in Council decision-making.
29% are satisfied. This is a 8% increase from the previous year.
“Pretty transparent. Follows legal requirements. Best interests of city at heart.”
There are adequate opportunities to have a say in Council decision-making.
37% are satisfied. This is a 8% increase from the previous year.
“Personally, I appreciate the Council having a public forum at which people may speak on any subject that is material to them, and the Council (and the Mayor) will consider the issues raised and have the option to take appropriate action as it/they deem necessary.”
Residents have a good understanding of the Council decision-making process.
40% are satisfied. This is a 6% increase from the previous year.
“Clear efficient material. I like the new use of things like social pinpoint.”
Build, maintain and repair streets, roads and footpaths so everyone has safe and easy access to where they need to go.
33% are satisfied. This is a 6% increase from the previous year.
“The streets are well maintained. I rarely see any issues when I go for a walk or travel by car.”
External communications are timely, accurate, relevant and clear.
78% are satisfied. This is a 5% increase from the previous year.
“Clear and honest communication with residents.”
Provide administrative support to people using our cemetery services.
100% are satisfied. This is a 5% increase from the previous year.
“Extremely efficient both at administration and Cemetery staff in attendance.”
Manage flood capacity within the city's rivers and their tributaries.
56% are satisfied. This is a 5% increase from the previous year.
“Planting and maintaining most waterways.”
Supply clean drinking water to protect the health of our community.
52% are satisfied with the quality of water supply.
“The amount of chlorine in the drinking water. Sometimes the water tastes like a swimming pool and you end up smelling like chlorine after having a shower.”
Provide on-street parking facilities that are easy to use.
55% are satisfied with the on-street parking facilities.
“… All parking that has disappeared because of cycle lanes...”
Provide and maintain the city's community parks.
55% are satisfied with the maintenance of community parks.
“Appearance of parks – mow the grass better – too many recreation spaces overgrown for too long.”
Supply clean drinking water to protect the health of our community.
64% are satisfied with the responsiveness to water supply issues.
“… I have seen water leaks under the street surface that creates potholes in the street and wastes water.”
Build, maintain and repair streets, roads and footpaths so everyone has safe and easy access to where they need to go.
33% are satisfied with the condition of roads.
“Fix the roads!!! The surfaces are shocking and cause damages to vehicles… not good enough.”
Build, maintain and repair streets, roads and footpaths so everyone has safe and easy access to where they need to go.
39% are satisfied with the condition of footpaths.
“The footpaths in Riccarton are disgraceful and dangerous...”