Cranford Regeneration Plan

Christchurch City Council has prepared a draft Cranford Regeneration Plan covering approximately 125 hectares of rural zoned land in the Papanui and St Albans area.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 30 March 2017 to 2 May 2017

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Minister's decision

The Cranford Regeneration Plan was approved by Hon Gerry Brownlee acting on behalf of the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Hon Nicky Wagner, on 17 August 2017.  The provisions were subsequently inserted into the Christchurch District Plan on 4 September 2017.

Ministerial Decision Cranford Regeneration Plan [PDF, 4.6 MB]

Ministerial Decision Cranford Regeneration Plan Attachment B [PDF, 587 KB]

Opportunity to comment on the Draft Cranford Regeneration Plan has now closed.

We received 120 written comments with 64 respondents in general support.  Forty five respondents did not generally support the proposal and 11 respondents provided comment only.

Staff have made proposed revisions to the Draft Cranford Regeneration Plan as a result of written comments and as a result of further technical information. 

Revised documents and comments received

Technical Reports

Economic Reports

Geotechnical Reports

Transport Reports

Stormwater Reports

Wastewater and Water Supply Reports

Cultural Reports


Why do this?

A Council assessment of the area indicated that the rural land around the storm water basin is no longer economically viable for rural activities such as market gardening. The land would be more efficiently used for housing which would assist the regeneration of the area.

The change in use can enhance regeneration as residential development will provide a range of housing options within close proximity of the Papanui and Northlands retail areas, schools and other social infrastructure.

The proposed residential area would also be close to transport infrastructure such as public transport routes, as well as the Papanui Parallel Major Cycle Route and the Christchurch Northern Corridor transport infrastructure projects that are currently under construction.

Cranford development vision map

Disclaimer: For explanation only - not part of the statutory directions for this Regeneration Plan.

Residential development

The proposed residential areas will provide for up to 420 houses that offer a diverse range of housing types of varying price levels. It would assist in meeting the Greater Christchurch intensification targets and complement the provision of community infrastructure such as cycle and pedestrian links to amenities such as schools, and access to public open space.

Technical investigations have shown that there are some geotechnical limitations on development due to peaty soils, springs and high groundwater in some partsof the proposed residential area. These challenges can be addressed with careful management at the time of development, while at the same time providing opportunities for a unique residential environment and enhancement of natural water features.

The residential area will, in the longer term, complement the proposed wetland and forested areas providing an asset for the local community and Greater Christchurch.

Forested stormwater concept (indicative only)

Cranford Basin

Cranford Basin is a major natural ponding and storm water management area that is critical to reducing the flood risk to urban Christchurch and in particular the Pūharakekenui/Styx and Avon River/Otākaro catchments.

It is planned to be transformed over the next decade into a multi-purpose forested wetland, with enhanced waterways and passive recreation areas that will benefit ecosystems and the surrounding community.

No housing is being planned in this area.

The process

Council is now seeking views from the community on the draft Plan.

Once the public engagement process is complete, the comments and other input will be considered and the draft Plan will be finalised. Council will then decide whether to submit the draft Plan to Regenerate Christchurch for review. Regenerate Christchurch will  then make a recommendation to the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration on whether the Minister should approve the draft Plan.

Project documents

Technical Reports

Technical Evidence(external link)

Drop in sessions

Wednesday 5 April 4 – 6pm. Paparoa Street School Hall, 120 Paparoa Street, Papanui.

Wednesday 12 April, 5 – 7pm. Paparoa Street School Hall, 120 Paparoa Street, Papanui.

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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