The Council uses a range of reports, reviews and updates to help inform what we do, and highlight areas for investigation and collaboration

Central City biannual reports

The biannual report provides an overview of progress in Central City over a six-month period. The latest four reports are provided below:

If you would like to read previous biannual reports, see Council's agendas and minutes (external link).

Central City retail review

David West of Premier Retail Marketing worked with businesses in Central City to understand the nature of retailing and current issues. This involved surveys, interviews and a workshop with retailers.

The findings suggest that the retail and hospitality offer, public spaces, laneways and events all provide a positive point of difference and a vibrant place to do business.

However, the Central City is noted as vulnerable, with a number of areas that would benefit from attention, including across themes of accessibility, wayfinding, engagement, marketing/attraction and social behaviour.

Premier Retail Marketing Central City Review(external link)

Barriers to Central City residential development

Development Christchurch Ltd prepared a report on Barriers to Christchurch Central City Residential Development. This report identified some of the barriers to residential development in Central City and provided some analysis of these.

This report served to highlight a number of knowledge gaps, and additional areas of work have been completed or are underway to fill these gaps.

Development Christchurch Ltd: Barriers to Christchurch Central City Residential Development [PDF, 492 KB]

Research has also been completed on the drivers of demand for Central City homes. The work has considered the views of existing residents, prospective residents and developers.

Research First: Central City Demand Research June 2020 [PDF, 4.1 MB]

Christchurch City Council has prepared a case study on alternative housing projects elsewhere in NZ and overseas. This document identifies different barriers experienced by these projects and how they were overcome. Its findings will in due course assist to inform which alternative housing approaches and projects the Council will support and how. 

Christchurch City Council:  Case Study- How the Barriers to the Provision of Alternative Housing Housing Have Been Overcome Elsewhere in NZ and Overseas  [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Central City economic update

In mid-November, ChristchurchNZ provided an economic update for the Central City.

This included information on population data (latest Census); business numbers; employee numbers; office vacancy levels, rents and yields; and accommodation.

ChristchurchNZ: Central City economic update(external link)

Central City Real Estate Institute of New Zealand report

This report identifies trends in the Christchurch Central City residential property market between October 2015 and October 2019. The report compares Central City trends to those of the adjoining inner suburbs. Also provided is commentary from the real estate industry on the current market conditions.

Central City REINZ report December 2019 [PDF, 963 KB]