Long Term Plan 2018 to 2028

We adopted the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan on 26 June 2018.

Every three years we review our 10-year plan where we outline our priorities, our projects and how we propose to pay for it all.

Thanks again to everyone who helped shape our city’s future by giving feedback on our draft Long Term Plan 2018-28. The final version of the Long Term Plan is now available below.

This includes a document showing what changed from the draft version to the final, following public feedback. 

Long Term Plan volume 1 [PDF, 7.6 MB]


Long Term Plan volume 2 [PDF, 4.4 MB]


Long Term Plan volume 3 [PDF, 4.7 MB]


Our people

We asked a range of people what's important to them and what they care about most. Here's what they said.

Our plan

Repairing our roads and pipes remains a high priority. We also need to keep the city running, and provide our libraries, recreation centres and events you all love.


Service plans were developed and adopted by Council as part of the Long Term Plan process.

Thanks for your feedback

Thank you for your feedback and submissions. Consultation has now closed.

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