The following service plans were developed and adopted by Council as part of the Long Term Plan process.

Service plans

Service plans contain the levels of service and background context for the operational services provided by Council.

Developed by management and proposed to Council as part of the draft Long Term Plan process, these final versions  incorporating the changes requested by Council  were adopted by Council as underlying documents as part of the final Long Term Plan 201828.

These have been updated to incorporate the changes adopted in the Annual Plan 202021.

Group of activity Service plan
Water supply

Water supply [PDF, 622 KB]


Wastewater collection treatment and disposal [PDF, 618 KB]

Strategic planning and policy

Strategic planning and policy [PDF, 683 KB]

Public information and participation [PDF, 517 KB]

Economic development [PDF, 558 KB]

Stormwater drainage

Stormwater drainage [PDF, 532 KB]

Flood protection and control works

Flood protection and control works [PDF, 600 KB]


Active travel  [PDF, 438 KB]

Parking [PDF, 411 KB] 

Public transport infrastructure  [PDF, 443 KB]

Traffic safety and efficiency [PDF, 560 KB]

Roads and footpaths

Roads and footpaths [PDF, 567 KB]

Refuse disposal

Solid waste [PDF, 699 KB]

Regulatory and compliance

Building services  [PDF, 902 KB]

Resource consenting  [PDF, 286 KB]

Land and property information services [PDF, 336 KB] 

Regulatory compliance and licencing [PDF, 671 KB]

Parks, heritage and coastal environment

Parks and foreshore [PDF, 754 KB] 

Heritage [PDF, 488 KB]


Assisted housing [PDF, 644 KB]


Governance and decision-making [PDF, 410 KB]

Communities and citizens

Citizen and customer services [PDF, 453 KB] 

Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM)  [PDF, 527 KB]

Community development and facilities [PDF, 366 KB] 

Christchurch Art Gallery  [PDF, 636 KB]

Canterbury and Akaroa museums  [PDF, 414 KB]

Libraries [PDF, 486 KB] 

Recreation, sports, community arts and events [PDF, 444 KB]

Draft Long Term Plan 2018-2028 documents

The following documents provide the underlying information that formed the basis for the Council's draft Long Term Plan 2018–2028.


Draft Long Term Plan 2018–2028 documents

Projects by ward

Underlying documents

Draft service plans

Group of activity Service plan
Water supply Water supply [PDF, 224 KB]
Wastewater Wastewater collection treatment and disposal [PDF, 242 KB]
Strategic planning and policy

Strategic planning and policy [PDF, 177 KB]

Public information and participation [PDF, 118 KB]

Economic development [PDF, 166 KB]

Stormwater drainage Stormwater drainage [PDF, 210 KB]
Flood protection and control works Flood protection and control works [PDF, 324 KB]

Active travel [PDF, 131 KB] 

Parking [PDF, 120 KB] 

Public transport infrastructure [PDF, 157 KB] 

Traffic safety and efficiency [PDF, 140 KB]

Roads and footpaths Roads and footpaths [PDF, 136 KB]
Refuse disposal Solid waste [PDF, 308 KB]
Regulatory and compliance

Building services [PDF, 113 KB] 

Resource consenting [PDF, 81 KB] 

Land and property information services [PDF, 77 KB] 

Regulatory compliance and licencing [PDF, 138 KB]

Parks, heritage and coastal environment

Parks and foreshore [PDF, 333 KB] 

Heritage [PDF, 148 KB]

Housing Assisted housing [PDF, 245 KB]
Governance Governance and decision-making [PDF, 293 KB]
Citizens and communities

Citizen and customer services [PDF, 86 KB] 

Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) [PDF, 88 KB] 

Community development and facilities  [PDF, 495 KB]

Christchurch Art Gallery [PDF, 122 KB] 

Canterbury and Akaroa museums [PDF, 90 KB] 

Libraries [PDF, 214 KB] 

Recreation, sports, community arts and events [PDF, 439 KB]