LED Advertising Billboard on 65-67 Victoria Street

This publicly notified resource consent application is to establish a 46m² LED advertising billboard being attached to the north facing façade of an existing four storey building located at 65-67 Victoria Street.

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 23 August 2017 to 20 September 2017
Reference number: RMA/2017/1276
Applicant name: Halo Media Limited C/- Ella Shields, Planz Consultants Limited
Site address: 65-67 Victoria Street
Description of proposed activity: The proposal is to establish a 46m² LED advertising billboard being attached to the north facing façade of an existing four storey building located at 65-67 Victoria Street.

The billboard will be located 6.275m above ground level and have a maximum height at the top of the billboard of 15.875m above ground level. The LED billboard is proposed to display static images for a minimum period of 10 seconds and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
Phone: (03) 946 4631
Email: ella@planzconsultants.co.nz
Company: Planz Consultants

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  • Application completed

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