This Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Handbook contains regulations and information applying to activities and conduct and for the management of cemeteries owned by, or under the administration or management of the Christchurch City Council. It provides information to assist the smooth running, operation and provision of services in the cemeteries.
The Handbook is to be used in conjunction with the Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Master Plan.
The Master Plan Vision is to provide direction for the development and management of the cemeteries owned, managed or maintained by the Council for the next 50 years.
And, the natural, cultural, heritage, landscape and spiritual values are protected and enhanced by the integrated management of these areas as reserves and open spaces
While, māori values and traditions of their ancestral land, water, sites, waahi tapu, fauna and flora, and other taonga are protected and culture enhanced.
Open cemeteries
The open and currently operational cemeteries owned by, or under the administration or management of the Christchurch City Council include:
- Akaroa Anglican Cemetery
- Akaroa Catholic Cemetery
- Akaroa Dissenters Cemetery
- Avonhead Park Cemetery
- Belfast Cemetery
- Bromley Cemetery
- Diamond Harbour Memorial Gardens Cemetery
- Duvauchelle Cemetery
- Kaituna Valley Cemetery
- Le Bons Bay Cemetery
- Linwood Cemetery
- Little River Cemetery
- Lyttelton Anglican Cemetery
- Lyttelton Catholic and Public Cemetery
- Memorial Park Cemetery
- Pigeon Bay Cemetery
- Ruru Lawn Cemetery
- Sydenham Cemetery
- Waimairi Cemetery
- Wainui Cemetery
- Yaldhurst Cemetery.
For interments in these cemeteries contact the Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Team, phone 03 941 8646 Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm, or email
Closed cemeteries
The following cemeteries owned by, or under the administration or management of the Christchurch City
Council are closed and interments are no longer allowed:
- Addington Cemetery
- Akaroa French Cemetery
- Barbadoes Street Cemetery
- Mount Magdala Cemetery of the Good Shepherd Sisters and Rutherford Cemetery.
Refer to Appendix A [PDF, 7 MB] for the complete list of all Council-owned, administered or managed cemeteries.
The conditions applying to cemeteries and activities in cemeteries contained in this Handbook were made in accordance with the Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Bylaw 2013 (the Bylaw) and legislation relevant to the activities in cemeteries, including the:
- Burial and Cremation Act 19641 and any amendments
- Burial and Cremation (Removal of Monuments and Tablets) Regulations 1967
- Christchurch City Council Dog Control Bylaw 2016
- Christchurch City Council Parks and Reserves Bylaw 2016
- Christchurch City Council Operational Pest Plan
- Property (Relationships) Act 1976
- Christchurch City Council Maintenance Contract for Urban Parks 2015
- Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017

Little River Cemetery