Quick stats
- Population: 8,850
- Median age: 48.5 years
- Identify as Māori: 8 per cent
- Born overseas: 27 per cent
- No qualification: 11 per cent (15 years and over)
- Median personal income: $36,000
- Occupied private dwellings: 3,850
- Unoccupied private dwellings: 2,150
- Household access to internet: 88 per cent
- Rented dwellings: 20 per cent
- Median rent: $340
All figures are sourced from the 2018 Census of Population and Dwellings. (external link)
View additional census data for community boards and wards. [XLSX, 1.5 MB]
Facilities and amenities
- 4 Council libraries: Diamond Harbour,(external link) Little River,(external link) Akaroa,(external link) Lyttelton(external link)
- 3 Council Customer Service Hubs: Little River,(external link) Akaroa,(external link) Lyttelton(external link)
- 171 Council parks: 117 local/community parks, 5 sports parks, 24 regional parks, 10 garden and heritage parks, 13 cemeteries, and 2 utility parks
- 6 Council-owned social housing complexes with 26 units
- 7 schools: 6 primary, 1 composite (year 1-13)
- 4 Marae: Te Wheke(external link) (Rāpaki), Koukourārata(external link) (Port Levy), Wairewa(external link) (Little River), Ōnuku(external link) (Akaroa)
- Approximately 1,500 businesses employing 3,000 people (2022)
- Multiple major sport and recreation amenities:
- Norman Kirk Memorial Pool(external link)
- Lyttelton Recreation Centre
- Quail Island
- Orton Bradley Park
- Birdlings Flat
- Harbour and Peninsula beaches
- Main shopping areas:
- Akaroa [PDF, 4.4 MB]
- Lyttelton [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- Church Bay/Diamond Harbour [PDF, 3.2 MB]
- Governors Bay [PDF, 3.9 MB]
- Little River [PDF, 3.3 MB]
Community Board Plan
The Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board Plan 2023-2025 [PDF, 4.3 MB] was developed by talking with the community and is the Board's vision for the future of Banks Peninsula.
Ward information
Akaroa Harbour Basin Small Settlements Study
The purpose of this Akaroa Harbour Basin Settlements Study was to take an integrated, long-term view (25 to 30 years) of land-use change and other issues within the settlements of the harbour basin and incorporate the local community's preferences on how future land-use changes should be managed.
Akaroa Places and Spaces Plan
This Places and Spaces [PDF, 1.4 MB]Plan provides guidance and recommendations for the future direction and management of the public realm of Akaroa Township, ensuring that public places reflect the local character and provide for ease of access and movement.
Banks Peninsula contextual historical overview
This contextual overview and thematic framework [PDF, 28 MB] provides a broad overview and understanding of Banks Peninsula and its development in the last 150 years, which is pivotal for the future identification and management of heritage.
Ward profiles
Based on data from Statistics New Zealand.