Council's requirements for luminaires, columns and outreach arms for streetlighting are set out in the Infrastructure Design Specifications – Part 11: Lighting.


Luminaires shall be Light Emitting Diode (LED) type, be on the latest NZTA, M30 Accepted Luminaires list(external link) and be accepted for use on the Council’s road lighting network.


  1. A detailed design is required to determine the best suited (eg performance, efficiency etc) luminaire for the application.
  2. Luminaires shall include a:
    1. DALI2 dimmable driver
    2. seven pin NEMA socket 
    3. luminaire controller programmed to work on the Council's Central Management System (Outdoor Lighting Network).
  3. Maintenance Factors (MF) for all luminaires shall be calculated from data supplied via a certified Test Laboratory and in conjunction with AS/NZS1158 and NZTA M30 Specification.

As lighting technologies are continually changing, the list of accepted luminaires will be frequently updated.

Central Management System (CMS) Requirements

Council has installed a wireless control system to manage and control the street lights. 

The Council’s Central Management System (CMS) consists of:

  • Outdoor Lighting Network (OLN) – A network that is formed between Luminaire Controllers (LCs) located on each street light and the Access Points (APs). The council’s OLN is an Itron wireless mesh network.
  • Central Management System Software (CMSS) – is the backhaul network from Gateways to the Itron back office where the software is hosted. The Council’s CMSS is Street Light Vision (SLV).

As new street lights are installed or existing lights are upgraded they shall be controlled by a LC installed on the light. If they are connected to existing ripple controlled street lighting circuits they will only have power on at night. It is envisaged that when all street lights on a circuit are connected to the CMS the circuit can be converted to a 24-hour supply.

Luminaire Controller (LC)

The LC shall be accepted type and programmed to operate on the Council’s CMS:

  • Include GPS
  • Include 10kV/10kA surge protection
  • Be accurate to 1% for metering
  • Include photocell (On 60 lux, Off 40 lux)
  • Be compatible with and operate on the Council network
  • Be an Itron integrated device supplied by an Itron approved LC partner
  • Have a 10-year warranty

SELC model 8S66331-003009-3-CCC is an acceptable LC.

The Contractor is required to provide data that can be uploaded into RAMM and SLV as changes to the network occur.

Each LC has a MAC ID, which is a unique identifier for that controller. When an LC has been installed the MAC ID shall be captured accurately along with the required RAMM to enable it to be added to RAMM and SLV. If not captured correctly, a return visit may be required to recapture this information.

Poles and outreach arms

When applying for acceptance for poles and outreach arms, provide the associated manufacturer’s drawings, specifications and Producer Statements (PS1). If non-frangible poles are proposed, clearly state this on the drawings. The following ground planted frangible column, outreach arm and adaptor drawings provide dimensions which must be achieved to obtain acceptance.

Earthing of street lighting poles

All new poles being installed shall be earthed via a separate earth rod as follows:

  • The earth rod shall be copper clad with a minimum length 1.8m.
  • It shall have a continuous (without joints) 3m long, 6mm2 green/green-yellow conduit earth wire from the earth rod to the street light switchboard.
  • A minimum length of 50mm bare copper of the earth wire shall be welded to the earth rod.
  • The weld shall start 75mm from the top of the earth rod to enable earth rod driving equipment to be used.
  • The earth rod shall be located as close as possible to the pole so it will not impede compacting of the specified backfill material or conflict with utility services.

For each pole an earth test sheet containing the following information shall be provided with the completion documentation:

  • Date
  • Location
  • Drawing number
  • Pole number
  • Name and registration number
  • Test results
  • Diagram showing dimensions and location of earth rod from pole
  • A photo showing the installed pole and earth rod

Standard drawing SD514 and a sample test sheet can be provided on request.