Applications for alcohol licences (new, renewal and variations) need to be notified to the public by publication of a public notice.
Each Community Board in Christchurch also emails out weekly bulletins with information for community members, networks and groups in their area. This includes a list of the current alcohol licensing public notifications for the board area. You can sign up to receive weekly bulletins on your Community Board webpage(external link).
The register below will also display the public notice start and end date for the making of public objections on an application. A history of recent notifications will also be viewable. This is in keeping with the requirements of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Applicants are also required to display a copy of the public notice on the front of the actual premises so it can be viewed from the outside.
If you have a query about an application, the public notice or the notification process, please contact the Alcohol Licensing Team directly on 03 941 8827 or 03 941 8068. We can also arrange for a viewing of the application.
Members of the public can object to an application for an alcohol licence in some cases. Your objection must be made within 25 working days after the date of the public notice being made.