Scooters and bikes have become a popular way to get around Christchurch with the introduction of electric scooters (e-scooters) and bikes (e-bikes).

Using a shared e-scooter or e-bike is a great option, either for your entire journey or added onto another way of getting around. 

Some people use them at the start or end of a bus or car journey, to cover the first and last section more quickly than walking.

Shared e-scooters and e-bikes are popular because they can make your commute easier, and you don't need to worry about parking or storage. 

E-scooter and e-bike operators

Two share providers operate in Christchurch with 1600 e-scooters and 400 e-bikes available for public use. 



Using e-scooters and e-bikes

E-scooters can be ridden on the footpath, shared paths and roadways.

On the footpath users must:

  • Be careful and considerate and ride at a speed that doesn't put other people on the footpath at risk
  • Give way to both pedestrians and people on mobility devices

E-bikes must follow the cycling code(external link).

As well as the usual cycling tips, it's worth noting that e-bikes are heavier than regular pushbikes, may handle differently, and take off faster than you expect.

When riding on a shared path, adjust your speed to suit the environment. Be aware of other users, use a bell, slow down and give them plenty of space when passing.

On the road, ride as near as practicable to the edge of the roadway.

Parking e-scooters and e-bikes

When parking a shared e-scooter, make sure it is upright and close to the kerb edge where lampposts, signs and rubbish bins are usually placed. This means they won't block the path of people using footpaths.

Avoid parking on narrow footpaths and across entranceways, or in busy areas where there isn't enough room for people to pass. 

Scooters parked correctly and incorrectly

Similarly for shared e-bikes, check you are not blocking main thoroughfares.

E-scooter and e-bike safety tips

Some tips include: 

  • Be aware - watch for car doors opening, left-turning vehicles, potholes, people exiting driveways and others using the pathways. Also, be aware that it will take more time to stop if you are going downhill. Wet and icy conditions require extra caution.
  • Be predictable – maintain a straight line and use the bell to let others know you're around. 
  • Be seen – make sure the front and rear lights are working, make eye contact with others and watch out for blind zones around vehicles and corners. 
  • Be patient – slow down near parked or queued vehicles and when crossing driveways. Give way to people on foot, pass slowly and ride with courtesy. 
  • Be prepared – it is recommended when using a scooter and required when using a bike to wear a helmet. Check your brakes before setting off.  Become familiar with handling the scooter or bike. Ensure you have enough room to safely stop suddenly.
  • Be tram track savvy - take extra care, slow down, check there's no tram coming, and cross perpendicular to the rails.