We’re building the next stage of the Nor'West Arc cycleway to make it safer and easier for people to cycle in Bryndwr. We're also upgrading wastewater pipes in the area at the same time.

Wairakei Road will be one-way citybound between Jennifer Street and Pitcairn Crescent. Airport-bound traffic will be detoured. Aorangi Road remains closed between Wairakei Road and Condell Avenue. Detours are in place. Find more information about this phase of works on this page.

Sign up for updates about the Nor'West Arc cycleway

On Monday 13 January work began on constructing the northernmost section of Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor'West Arc cycleway. We're also completing wastewater pipe renewals in the area, installing a new stormwater network, making water supply upgrades, and completing a street renewal on Aorangi Road.

These projects have been programmed together to ensure a coordinated approach to work in the area. The work is being completed in three stages, with the full project scope expected to be complete by mid-2026.

Businesses are open

Businesses are open throughout the works, and customers are encouraged to continue visiting as usual.

Some customer car parking is available on Wairakei Road and on Aorangi Road, south of the intersection – follow the 'customer parking' signs. Footpath detours are also in place to ensure safe pedestrian access to businesses and through the work area. 

Key works

Work to construct the next section of the Nor’West Arc cycleway has been timed with significant Three Waters upgrades, to ensure a coordinated approach to work in the area.

The construction programme is scheduled to begin on 13 January and is expected to wrap up around mid-2026. The work will be delivered in three stages.

Key works for the project (all three stages)

  • We will be replacing old wastewater pipes on Wairakei Road, Aorangi Road, and Matsons Avenue, installing a new stormwater network, and making water supply upgrades.
  • We will be extending the cycleway along the full length of Aorangi Road and Matsons Avenue, connected by a short section on Condell Avenue.
    • Between the intersection of Ilam/Aorangi roads and Truman Road, the cycleway will take the form of a shared path, due to the narrow width of the road through this section.
    • From Truman Road, the remainder of the cycleway will be two-way (bi-directional). See the image below for an example of a two-way cycleway. Note that the previous section of the Nor'West Arc cycleway instead takes the form of single cycle lanes that run along each side of the road.
    • The cycleway will be located along the northwestern side of Aorangi Road, the western side of Condell Avenue and the southeastern side of Matsons Avenue.
  • Visualisation Aorangi Wairakei Intersection  We will be making safety improvements at the intersection of Aorangi Road and Wairakei Road. These include:
    • A signalised and raised pedestrian crossing, making it safer and easier for cyclists (and pedestrians) to get across Wairakei Road. By raising the level of pedestrian crossings, it reminds drivers and cyclists to slow down so they can stop for people at the crossing. It also makes the people crossing more visible to drivers.
    • Layout changes at the Aorangi Road entry/exit points that allow left-in, left-out only. This will prevent traffic (besides cyclists) from continuing across to the next section of Aorangi Road, whether approaching from the north or south. The alternative route north would be via Greers Road and for traffic heading south, Ilam Road both which can be reached via Wairakei Road. The new layout will make this busy intersection safer for everyone.
    • View the design of the intersection here. [PNG, 257 KB]
  • We will be completing a street renewal on Aorangi Road.
Example of a two-way cycleway

Example of a two-way cycleway

Staging of work

The project is being completed in three stages, as shown on the map below.

  • Stage 1: Aorangi Road, between Brookside Terrace and Condell Avenue; this includes the Wairakei Road / Aorangi Road intersection. Isaac Construction is the contractor for Stage One works (spanning approximately January to September 2025).
  • Stage 2: Aorangi Road, between Ilam Road and Brookside Terrace. 
  • Stage 3: Condell Avenue and Matsons Avenue to Harewood Road.

Stages may overlap, whereby some work continues in an area while work at the next area starts.

The entire project is expected to be completed in mid-2026.

Phasing of work

Each stage will also have different phases of work, marked by distinct changes in things such as the work area and the traffic management in place. We will sent out Start Work notices for each phase of work, which will provide the specific details of the work and its impacts.

Stage 1, phase 1 work is under way and centres around the Aorangi Road / Wairakei Road intersection, as well as the northern section of Aorangi Road. A road closure is in place at the intersection and on Aorangi Road, between Wairakeri Road and Condell Avenue. Signposted detours are in place.

We'll keep up-to-date information on the impacts of the current phase in the tab below.

Traffic impacts

Throughout the project, there will be temporary traffic management in place to keep road users and contractors safe. Please take care to follow signage and reduce speeds when travelling through the work site.

Stage 1, phase 2 (3 February – June 2025) 

We're now into phase 2 of the first stage of works. The key traffic impacts during phase 2 are:

Wairakei Road temporary one-way system

  • The citybound lane on Wairakei Road is open to traffic traveling towards the city (southeast direction).
  • The airport-bound lane, between Pitcairn Crescent and Jennifer Street, will remain closed until June (no access through this section for traffic traveling northwest on Wairakei Road). Please continue to follow the detours currently in place. See the traffic detour map for phase 2 on the next tab.

Aorangi Road road closure

  • The road closure on Aorangi Road, between Wairakei Road and Condell Avenue, remains in place with resident access only.
  • There is no access onto Wairakei Road from Aorangi Road at the southern side of the intersection, due to the closure on the airport-bound lane. Please continue to follow the detours currently in place. See the traffic detour map for phase 2 on the next tab.
  • During phase 2, the airport-bound bus route on the Metro Port-to-Port (#8)(external link) service will continue to include a detour via Greers Road, Condell Avenue and Blighs Road.
  • Workers will be on-site Monday to Saturday, 7am to 6pm, but the lane and road closures will be in place at all times.

More information can be found on the start work notice(external link)

Road works Nor'West Arc cycleway

Parking and traffic/bus detour maps

Stage 1, phase 2 (3 February to mid-2025)

Customer car parking

Signposted customer car parking is available on both Wairakei and Aorangi roads. See the 'P' marked on the map below for where to find customer parking on Aorangi Road, south of the intersection. Road signage will also direct you – look for arrowed signs that say 'Customer parking'.


  • Aorangi Bakery has temporarily relocated to 263 Greers Road during the works. 
  • Earcare has temporarily relocated to Elmswood Retirement Village at 23/131 Wairakei Road.

Traffic detours

The map below shows which roads are being used for detours for airport-bound traffic during phase 2, when a temporary one-way system is in place on Wairakei Road. 

Cyclists can either take these detour routes, their own route through other local roads, or dismount at the closure points and walk their bikes through the closure area, via the footpath detours. 

Phase 2 Nor'West Arc one way Wairakei Road and detours

Bus detour map 

The Metro Port-to-Port (#8)(external link) bus service will include a detour via Greers Road, Condell Avenue and Blighs Road on the airport-bound route. More information is covered below.

Bus detour map - Wairakei / Aorangi intersection closure

Signage is displayed on affected bus stops. View the map of the bus detour, affected stops and temporary stops here. [PNG, 254 KB]

 Visit the Port-to-Port (#8) service webpage on the Metro website here.(external link)

Keep in the loop

Subscribers of our general project updates(external link) will be notified by email when the project moves into a new stage/phase and there are changes to traffic management and the work area layout. We may also let you know about key milestones we've achieved.

If you would like to receive more information about the project's progress from our contractor, Isaac Construction, you can sign up(external link) to their email updates, which will be sent more regularly. Additionally, residents or businesses located within, or close to, the work area can sign up for the contractor's site-specific text alerts and email updates on the work(external link)

The cycleway route

Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor'West Arc cycleway connects cyclists from Cashmere to Bryndwr, via Spreydon, Middleton, Riccarton and Ilam. The route begins at Princess Margaret Hospital in Cashmere and is currently open as far as Jellie Park Recreation and Sport Centre on Ilam Road.

The cycleway provides a safer route for cyclists to get to school, university, work, pools and gym, parks, and local shops. Making it safer for people to bike helps reduce congestion, lowers emissions and makes it easier for cyclists to get around. 

New section – under construction

North of the intersection of Aorangi and Ilam roads, we're extending the cycleway along the full length of Aorangi Road, then onto Condell Avenue and up Matsons Avenue to Harewood Road. Find more information in the sections above about how this work will be staged. 

Nor West Arc new section on Aorangi Road and Matsons Avenue

When this section has been constructed, the route will be complete, except for a short section at approximately the midpoint of the route, along Annex Road.

We will come back to the Annex Road section, between Birmingham Road and Blenheim Road, at a later date. We'll need to work alongside KiwiRail to improve safety and access at the level crossing that intersects the route.