We’re building the next stage of the Nor' West Arc Te Ara O-Rakipaoa cycleway to make it way safer and easier for people to cycle in Ilam.

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The Nor'West Arc Te Ara O-Rakipaoa cycleway provides a safer route for cyclists to get to school, university, work and local shops. Making it safer for people to bike helps reduce congestion, lowers emissions and makes it easier for cyclists to get around. 

We're building the next section of cycleway along Ilam Road, from the University of Canterbury to Aorangi Road, near Jellie Park. This work started at the beginning of September and will be completed in mid-2024. The cycleway will eventually extend to Harewood Road.

Ilam Road is open for business throughout the works. Car parking is available on Memorial Avenue or look for onsite business parking. Thank you for your patience while we make Memorial Intersection safer for everyone.

Latest updates

4 October 2023 - Webinar questions and answers [PDF, 135 KB].

7 September 2023 – Work on Nor'West cycle connection gets underway(external link).

7 September 2023 – Watch the 'Meet the Contractors' webinar below. 

Road changes and traffic management

As we build this stage of the Nor'West Arc Cycleway there will be some temporary road changes affecting traffic flow and parking.

Temporary traffic management will be in place to keep road users and contractors safe while work is underway. Please take care to follow signage and reduce speeds when travelling through the work site.

Latest start work notices and traffic management updates for this project: 

Aorangi Road to Memorial Avenue

Work starts on this section at the start of September 2023. 

Work will include replacing underground stormwater pipes, installing a shared path from Aorangi Road through to a new signalised pedestrian crossing outside Jellie Park, installing a separated cycleway from the signalised pedestrian crossing to Memorial Ave, minor footpath work, landscaping and streetscaping. 

A one-way traffic management system will be in place for traffic heading northeast along Ilam Road, and some on-street parking will be removed. School drop-off and pick-up parking will remain open.

This work will be finished by the end of December 2023.

Memorial Avenue to Maidstone Road

Work on this section starts at the start of September 2023. 

The work includes replacing underground stormwater pipes, upgrading the traffic lights at the intersection of Memorial Avenue and Ilam Road, installing a separated cycleway on both sides of Ilam Road, new raised thresholds on side streets, minor footpath work, landscaping and streetscaping. 

A one-way traffic management system will be in place for traffic heading north on Ilam Road and the traffic lights at the Memorial Avenue intersection will temporarily be turned off.

There may be intermittent road closures on side streets and on-street parking will be removed. 

Some bus routes will be affected. Please see Metro Christchurch (external link)for route changes.

This work will be finished by the end of June 2024.

Maidstone Road to University of Canterbury

Work on this section starts at the end of November 2023.

Work includes replacing underground stormwater pipes, upgrading traffic lights at the intersection of Ilam Road and Maidstone Road, installing a new cycleway on both sides of Ilam Road, minor footpath works, landscaping and streetscaping. 

A one-way traffic management system will be in place for traffic heading north along Ilam Road. The traffic lights at the intersection of Ilam Road and Maidstone Road will be turned off temporarily, and on-street parking removed.

Some bus routes will be affected. Please see Metro Christchurch (external link)for route changes.

This work will be finished by mid-2024.