We made the following changes to Linwood Village to create a safer and more inviting street environment:
- A speed limit reduction to 30 km/h, with Linwood Village signage at the entry points.s
- Safe speed crossing platforms installed at the intersections of Hereford and Worcester Streets and a paved crossing at Gloucester Street – all including tactile paving.
- A raised, paved courtesy crossing (6m long) between Hereford and Worcester Street intersections.
- New bus shelters at both bus stops, with raised kerbs to make it more accessible for those entering and exiting buses.
- 1.8m wide on-street cycle lanes in both directions and 12 new cycle stands.
- Traffic lanes at least 3.2m wide.
- Parking restrictions south of Gloucester Street changed from P30 to P10 to increase parking turnover.
To minimise the need to come back and dig again, we installed new submain water pipes at some property boundaries.