Walking is a great way to experience the changes and progress as our city evolves, and you don’t need any specialist equipment.

You’ll soon discover that it makes you feel fit and healthy and leaves you with a big grin on your face.

Walking is free and you can relax, listen to music and clear your head as you walk.

You’ll never be late to work because you got stuck in traffic or couldn’t find a car park.

Other benefits of walking

A 2km walk to work will take about 20 minutes each way. 30 minutes of exercise a day can help you become healthier and feel great. 

When we walk we take in all sorts of things we don’t notice in a car – like birdsong, seasonal changes, window displays and other people out and about. Connecting to our environment and noticing what is around us can help improve our mental health and feelings of wellbeing.

Plus, short-distance car trips generate the most pollution per kilometre travelled. Avoiding short trips by walking is a great way to help the environment.

Walking can also be a fun and social activity. Consider:

  • Walking with someone else: If a friend or colleague member is making a similar journey, why not walk together for a more sociable experience? 
  • Downloading a pedometer app: If you’d like to track your steps and calories burnt, download a Pedometer app to keep track of your progress on fitness goals, or use the in-built pedometer that comes with most smartphones

Walk savvy

Before you get walking here are a few things to think about:

  • Stay tuned to the environment: If you’re using a device while walking, keep one ear open to the environment, and an eye on what’s happening around you.
  • Be visible especially at night: It can be harder to be seen in the dark. Consider wearing something bright or reflective, and carrying a light.
  • When it’s dark: Choose well-lit routes used by other walkers where possible.
  • Be predictable when sharing space: If you are on a shared cycle and pedestrian path, keep left so others can overtake you safely.
  • When crossing a street, keep an eye out for traffic: When using a pedestrian crossing, make eye contact to check that you've been seen.
  • Take extra care when using courtesy crossings: These are suggested places for pedestrians to cross, often marked by raised or coloured pavers. Drivers may give way to you here but they are not legally required to do so.

Finding the best route

When walking you don't have to use the same routes that you would drive. There may be quieter residential streets, neighbourhood parks, pedestrian shortcuts and riverside paths that can make your route shorter and more enjoyable.

Consider a way that takes you along the City Promenade or through Hagley Park if possible. 

If you notice a problem with one of our footpaths, such as bumps or potholes, please let us know (external link)or use the handy Snap Send Solve(external link) app. Snap Send Solve contacts Council from your email address, including the incident type, photo, notes, GPS location, and contact details.

If you need a car after work

Some days you may need to drop off children or run errands. Plan ahead, mix it up – you can drive some days, and walk on others, or park a distance from work that gives you a 15 to 20 minute walk each way.

Some companies support walking by allowing staff to borrow company cars in the event of an emergency. Check with your employer whether they have any provisions like this so that you’ll know your options in the rare case of an emergency.