You can request information held by the Council using the procedures and timeframes set out in the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).

Request official information

There are two forms of information you can request:

  • LGOIMA requests: Request any information from the Council.
  • Privacy requests: Request to view and correct any information we hold about you under the Privacy Act(external link).

Please note that property files(external link) information is requested separately to official information requests.

The Council is committed to conducting its day-to-day business openly and making decision-making processes and information available and accessible.

Much of the Council's information is available in print or on the website within reports(external link) and consultation documents(external link).

Request information

Please be as specific as possible as it helps us find the information quicker. If we are unclear about the scope or nature of your request we will contact you to discuss it. If your request is complex it may require staff to research internal documents and records.

Email if you have any queries about official information requests (LGOIMA). 

How long it takes

We will acknowledge your request as soon as practical after receiving it. We are required by the LGOIMA legislation to respond to your request within 20 working days. If the request is for a large quantity of information or requires consultation, and meeting the original time limit is not possible, the Act allows for an extension of the time limit. We will let you know if this is the case before the original due date.

If the information you seek is held by another government agency, we will transfer your request and let you know this within 10 days of receiving your request.

You may ask that your request is treated as urgent. We require you to provide a suitable reason for this and we will try and process your request as soon as possible.

Response process and use of personal details

When we receive a LGOIMA request we ask relevant staff to gather the information required. We share the details of the request and the identity of the requester with staff involved, except where the request is of a particularly sensitive nature and/or the requester has specifically asked that their details are not shared. Our processes are guided by the Privacy Act's provisions about the use and disclosure of personal information.

In some cases we will need to consult with a third party in order to respond to the request, and in these circumstances we withhold all personal details, or consult with the affected parties before releasing any personal details.

In the interests of transparency and to ensure that the public is informed about key aspects of the Council's operations, we publish on our website responses to LGOIMA requests, where the information is of wider public interest. We withhold all personal details relating to the requester when we do publish such responses.


There is usually no charge for supplying information.

However if a request is for a significant amount of information or it requires substantial collation and research we may consider making a charge.

The Council has a Fees Policy that sets out how we decide if a charge is to be made and how this is calculated.

Withholding information

The principle of the LGOIMA legislation is that information should be made available unless there are good reasons for withholding it. The Council is entitled to consider not releasing information if it would:

  • prejudice the maintenance of the law
  • endanger the safety of any person
  • breach the privacy of any person
  • disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information
  • cause serious offence to Tikanga Māori
  • disclose the location of Waahi Tapu
  • breach an obligation of confidence
  • prejudice: public health or safety; the Council’s right to legal professional privilege; the commercial activities of the Council; or negotiations being carried out by the Council.

Not satisfied?

If you are not satisfied with the information you receive following a request under LGOIMA, you can complain to the Office of the Ombudsman(external link).

If you are not happy with the outcome of your request made under the Privacy Act you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner(external link).

Common sources of Council information

Responses to LGOIMA requests

Responses to LGOIMA requests are published online and updated on a monthly basis.