These Activity Plans and Asset Management Plans are underlying documents of the Long Term Plan 2021-31.

Number Group of activities Activity Plans Asset Management Plans (AMP)
 1 Communities and Citizens Christchurch Art Gallery [PDF, 1 MB] Art Gallery and Akaroa Museum AMP [PDF, 8.3 MB] [PDF, 8.3 MB]
 2 Canterbury & Akaroa Museums [PDF, 876 KB] Art Gallery and Akaroa Museum AMP [PDF, 8.3 MB] [PDF, 8.3 MB]
 3 Libraries [PDF, 907 KB] Libraries AMP [PDF, 3.4 MB]
 4 Community Development & Facilities [PDF, 148 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23) Community Facilities AMP [PDF, 3.5 MB]
 5 Recreation, Sports, Community Arts & Events [PDF, 671 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2023/24) Recreation, Sports, & Events AMP [PDF, 4.7 MB]
 6 Civil Defence Emergency Management [PDF, 765 KB]  
 7 Citizen and Customer Services [PDF, 936 KB]  
 8 Parks, Heritage and Coastal Environment Parks & Foreshore [PDF, 572 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23) Parks and Foreshore AMP [PDF, 4.3 MB]
9 Parks Heritage Management [PDF, 904 KB] Parks Heritage Management AMP [PDF, 4.7 MB]
10 Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor [PDF, 126 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
11 Water Supply Water Supply [PDF, 2.5 MB](updated with Annual Plan 2023/24) Water supply AMP [PDF, 8.4 MB]
12 Wastewater Wastewater Collection, Treatment & Disposal [PDF, 2.7 MB] Wastewater AMP [PDF, 8 MB]
13 Stormwater Drainage Stormwater Drainage [PDF, 1.6 MB] Land Drainage AMP [PDF, 7.9 MB] [PDF, 7.9 MB]
14 Flood Protection & Control Works Flood Protection & Control Works [PDF, 1.6 MB] Land Drainage AMP [PDF, 7.9 MB] [PDF, 7.9 MB]
15 Transport Transport [PDF, 2.8 MB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23) Transport AMP [PDF, 6.9 MB]
16 Solid Waste & Resource Recovery Solid Waste & Resource Recovery [PDF, 1.1 MB] Resource Recovery AMP [PDF, 2.8 MB]
17 Housing Community Housing [PDF, 1 MB] Social Housing AMP [PDF, 4.4 MB]
18 Regulatory and Compliance Regulatory Compliance & Licensing [PDF, 901 KB]  
19 Building Regulation [PDF, 104 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
20 Land & Property Information Services [PDF, 580 KB]  
21 Resource Consenting [PDF, 624 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
22 Strategic Planning and Policy Strategic Planning, Future Development & Regeneration [PDF, 555 KB]  
23 Public Information & Participation [PDF, 790 KB]  
24 Economic Development Economic Development [PDF, 930 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2023/24)  
25 Civic & International Relations [PDF, 812 KB]  
26 Governance Governance & Decision Making [PDF, 647 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
27 Office of the Mayor & Chief Executive, and Treaty Partner Relations [PDF, 591 KB]  
28 Internal Activities Facilities, Property & Planning [PDF, 979 KB] Corporate Accommodation AMP [PDF, 3.7 MB]
29 Digital/Information Technology [PDF, 1.1 MB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23) Information Technology AMP [PDF, 4.4 MB]
30 Legal Services [PDF, 502 KB]  
31 Risk & Internal Audit [PDF, 715 KB]  
32 Citizens & Community Business Support [PDF, 623 KB]  
33 Human Resources [PDF, 64 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
34 Continuous Improvement [PDF, 583 KB]  
35 Programme Management Office [PDF, 677 KB]  
36 Citizens and Community (Vertical) Capital Delivery [PDF, 217 KB] (updated with Annual Plan 2022/23)  
37 Technical Services & Design [PDF, 892 KB]  
38 Asset Management [PDF, 288 KB]  
39 Performance Management & Reporting [PDF, 779 KB]