Pressure wastewater system, Diamond Harbour

We are proposing to install a pressure wastewater system in Whero Avenue and Marine Drive, Diamond Harbour.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 30 October 2017 to 15 November 2017

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Proposed pressure wastewater system - Diamond Harbour has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 30th October 2017 - 15th November 2017.

We received eight submissions with five respondents in general support, and three respondents supporting the plan but with some concerns.

Project feedback and team responses [PDF, 111 KB]

A report will be presented to the Banks Peninsula Community Board for project approval at their meeting on Monday 12 February 2018.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Wednesday 7 February 2018.


Why is a new wastewater system needed?

Pressure wastewater tank lid - in a garden

Pressure wastewater tank lid

The condition of the gravity wastewater network in your area has been badly damaged due to either earthquake damage or root intrusion into the joints, as most wastewater pipes are situated on private property on the very flat grades around the northern end of Whero Avenue. This situation has caused many blockages and overflows on to private property. 

In some areas houses have been constructed over the wastewater pipes, which in the long term is undesirable as they cannot be accessed for repair.

The most practical and efficient solution is to install a pressure wastewater system like the one recently installed in Charteris Bay.

Why are we proposing a pressure wastewater system?

The pressure wastewater system is a resilient and reliable system, mainly because all the wastewater pipe work from the tank to the street is flexible. In most cases it requires a shorter lateral, as the tank can be situated quite close to the house, making the lateral less vulnerable to damage. The wastewater pipe in the street is also at a shallow depth which makes any future connection or repair work faster and less intrusive.

What is a pressure wastewater system and how does it work?

A pressure wastewater system is an individual tank and pump system. The pump is connected to your power supply and is located in an underground tank and transfers wastewater, under pressure, from your house to the Council’s pipes in the street. The tank connects to your private lateral (the wastewater pipe that runs from your house to the pipes in the main street) and works best if it is located near your house.  If there is a power cut the tank has enough storage to last several days without overflowing if your wastewater is carefully managed.

 Overview plan

Click to enlarge.

Alarm panel

Alarm panel


The pressure wastewater tank is connected to an alarm panel, which is attached to the outside of your house. The panel is connected to your house power supply. You will receive a rebate in your rates of $23.50 plus GST per year to cover the cost of the electricty being used to power the pump.

Alarm panel

The alarm panel alerts us if there is a problem with the tank. We can see in real time if there are any faults with the wastewater system. In many cases you will not even know there is an issue, this makes us proactive in monitoring your wastewater system. In the event the alarm does sound it is easily silenced via a button on the outside of the panel. Then the service number on the panel needs to be called. The maintenance team will then come and assess the
fault and arrange repairs if required.

What will we see?

Pressure wastewater lid and boundary kit

Pressure wastewater lid and boundary kit

The only parts of the system that will be visible is the lid of the tank and the alarm panel. There is also a boundary kit (that looks similar to a toby box) which houses a valve for the wastewater system. The boundary kit is located just outside of the property boundary.

Street meeting

Would you like more information? We will be holding a street meeting on Tuesday 7 November at 5.15pm in the Whero Avenue cul-de-sac. Come along to meet us and have a chat about the new proposed wastewater system. 


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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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